In my soul, embers of coal lie deep and still, A dormant fire, awaiting the divine will. Ignited by the Word, a flame takes hold, A spark of the divine, ancient and bold. The wind of the Holy Spirit, unseen, yet felt, Fanning flames, making icy hearts melt. It stirs within us a fervent, burning desire, To act in love, to lift others higher. Our hearts ablaze, with warmth so true, Guided by a force beyond the view. Actions born not from our own plan, But moved by the grace of the Great I Am. The love of God, from these embers spread, A warmth that feeds, a light that's led. Through the Word of God, a fire derived, In us, His love, forever alive. So let the Spirit’s wind ever blow, On the embers in our souls, making them glow. Spreading God’s warmth, His love, His light, Turning darkness into day, from night. March 22, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop