Keep your car fueled up for a pleasant trip. If you happen to run out of gas, you will hear lip. That should be the same for life, I suppose. We need to be energized from our heads to our toes. How do you do this, someone might ask? The Holy Spirit of GOD performs the task. The next question, where can I find this spirit, and who holds the key? The answer is quite simple, God’s Only Son Jesus. He enters the door when we're on bended knee. This seems impossible, it's something you can't touch. It works that way because God loves us so much. Most not wanting to surrender, much less to a spirit they can't see. That's is His plan, that by faith we may be set free. His plan, through faith, is for the rich, poor, bondslave and free. All ground at the foot of the cross is level ground for you and me. Adopting us all, through his unexplainable Love. Only we hold the power to Commune with God above. When you let Jesus come into your heart one day only then the unexplainable can't be explained away. October 15, 2022 Mark Waldrop
I am blessed by your poems everyday! I especially loved this one.❤️
The Lord is speaking through you. Keep writing!🥰