The D-104

Painting by Spike O’Dell
In the heart of nineteen thirty's gleam,  
Two hams dreamed a crystal clear dream.  
Astatic born, from passion, not motion,  
Crafted with care, the famed D-104 potion.

A microphone not just of metal and wire,  
But of voices carried, higher and higher.  
Introduced in an era of swing and of jazz,  D-104 microphone,
Its clarity cut through the buzz and the razz.

The D-104, oh, how it stood the test of time,  
In amateur shacks, its presence sublime.  
From broadcasting booths, its fame would spread,  
Professional voices, clearly, were led.

Astatic's creation, from humble start,  
Became an icon, in the audio art.  
The D-104 microphone, a legend in sound,  
Wherever communication is bound.

Decades on, its legacy clear,  
A testament to those who hold sound dear.  
The D-104, a marvel, a tool,  
In the history of audio, forever cool.

March 16, 2024
Created by

The Humble Dipole???

500,000 Watts  20 Million Watt Gain
Variable Signal Width

In fields wide, where signals dance and streams,  
I've raised towers high, touched the sky's seams.  
And I've laid beams, sturdy, across the lands,  
Yet found my heart tied to simpler bands.

For in the humble dipole's gentle reach,  
There lies a lesson that the skies do teach.  
Complexity not always does one need,  
When simple strings of wire can far exceed.

I've worn the cloak of wealth, pockets deep,  
And I've felt the pinch, when ends don't meet.  
But through the highs and lows, one truth endures:  
The essence of action, which life secures.

Not in the riches, nor in the dearth,  
But in the doing, we find our worth.  
For towers may fall, and beams may decay,  
But the spirit of a doer stays in play.

So let us cherish the old dipole's grace,  
And in our actions, find our rightful place.  
For in the end, it's not what we acquire,  
But what we do, that lifts us higher.
March 10, 2024
Created by
 MarkWaldrop  KE4WA

Dr. Bob Heil, K9EID

In silent waves, the airwaves mourn, a key now stilled, a legend born.  
Dr. Bob Heil, K9EID, his call,  
In the ether, his voice did fall.  
A valiant fight, a year in span,  
Cancer's battle, a brave man ran.  
Surrounded by love, in peace, he passed,  
Into the memories, his legacy cast.  

A passion for radio, clear and bright,  
Guiding waves, through day and night.  
Everything he touched, for growth, for better,  
His spirit in service, an unbreakable fetter.  
Instructional guides, presentations with zest,  
Support for ARRL, in youth, he invested.  

An Elmer to all, a mentor, a guide,  
His absence now felt, a missing tide.  
Yet, in the silence, his impact resonates,  
A beacon of love, through the ether, it radiates.  
To ham operators, across every land,  
Bob's spirit whispers, in the airwaves, it stands.  

So let's key our mics, in homage, in grace,  
For Dr. Bob Heil, an irreplaceable space.  
His journey on earth, a radiant trail,  
In every static crackle, his story we hail.  
Though the key is silent, his legacy sings,  
In the heart of the hobby, his spirit brings wings.  

Farewell, beloved founder, your journey now ends,  
But in frequencies wide, your essence extends.  
A Silent Key, yet your message loud,  
Dr. Bob Heil, forever proud.  
In the hobby you loved, your passion remains,  
An eternal echo, in the amateur radio lanes.

March 1, 2024
Created by 
MarkWaldrop KE4WA

Antenna is the Star

In the realm of waves, both near and far,
It's not the Rig, but the Antenna, star,
A truth profound, in radio's art,
In crafting signals, that's where you start.

With solder, wire, and hands so skilled,
It's not what's bought, but what's self-built,
The heart of communication, clear and true,
Lies in the Antenna, reaching skies so blue.

For every ham, enthusiast, and sage,
Who turns the dial, or sets the stage,
Knows well the secret, old yet bold,
It's not the machine, but the reach, gold.

In the dance of frequencies, high and low,
It's the Antenna's song, that steals the show,
A crafted beam, a loop, a whip,
Guiding the waves on their journey, a trip.

So heed this wisdom, clear and bright,
In your pursuit of the signal's flight,
It's not the Rig, with knobs and lights,
But the Antenna, in heights, ignites.

In this endeavor, patience is a friend,
For every build, every tweak, lends,
To the magic of the airwaves, wide and vast,
It's the Antenna's tale, that forever will last.

February 17, 2024
Created by

Echoe in the Airwaves

In the gentle hum of frequencies long past,  
Brian Evans whispers, a connection vast.  
"I used to help," with a voice both proud and clear,  
Through '68 to '70, the message dear.

With his Dad by his side, under a sky so wide,  
Phone patches they did weave, in hope they'd believe.  
For servicemen and women, across seas so grim,  
Their voices a bridge, a light, however dim.

The equipment now silent, echoes of a key,  
Holds memories of a time, of unity.  
He's now the guardian of this sacred lore,  
W7BBW, alive once more.

Feeling cool, with the call sign in his grasp,  
A legacy continued, in each breath a gasp.  
The Morse code taps out a rhythm of the heart,  
A silent key, yet his spirit never to depart.

In every call made, in every static crackle,  
Lies a story of love, across the ether it travels.  
Brian, with his license, continues the tale,  
Under the same stars, where once his Dad set sail.

So here's to the echoes, in the airwaves they swim,  
To Brian, to his Dad, and their service kin.  
W7BBW, a call sign of pride,  
A son's tribute, in the airwaves they reside.

February 13, 2024
Created by
MarkWaldrop KE4WA

A Young Boy’s Dream

In the spring of '71, a young boy's journey begun,
Kevin, just eleven, with dreams touching the sun.
WN2AEY, his call sign, a beacon of light,
Received on his twelfth birthday, much to his delight.

With a homebrew transmitter, fifty watts of pure zeal,
Cathode keyed, crystal controlled, a young ham's ideal.
A National NCX3, his first receiver to hold,
But soon traded for something more bold.

The Hammarlund HQ170A, vast as the sea,
A radio giant, for a young enthusiast, a key.
This machine, a marvel, in his hands it lay,
An ocean of frequencies, just a dial away.

In the fall of '72, at the tender age of thirteen,
He upgraded to general, a new call sign to glean.
WAZAEY, his new identity in the air,
A step further in his journey, handled with care.

Through the static and noise, his passion grew,
A world of connections, old and new.
From a young boy's dream in the spring of '71,
To a journey in waves, under the invisible sun.

January 31, 2024
Created by 
MarkWaldrop KE4WA
Penned for Kevin Clark WA2AEY

My Antenna

Which direction is my antenna facing
Is it facing the Author of All Creation

Keeping the signal headed in the right direction
Will greatly improve the weak reception

My spiritual antenna should be the same
With a bearing toward the Great I Am  

Keeping QRM off to the side, my communication will be clear
Always being aware of a weak signal that I might hear

My spiritual antenna has many elements from the scriptures
Spaced for optimum power with the correct vectors

My needs and concerns auto-tune the Holy Spirit 
So that maximum power may reach its limit

With clear communication, I will soon understand 
The path of less inference for me He has planned

January 16, 2024

Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club

Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club 
A nicer group of Hams and Xyls you will never find
Each one going far out of their way to be so kind

I remember the good old days when Harold “Doc” Cady W4WZH and Bill Huffman K4MIQ were there
The days before all that  digital stuff was on the air

Whether Elmering or  just enjoying each other 
There's nothing like chasing a signal with your brother

The thrill of working Field Day in June of every year
Greeting the public coming to see what they can hear

The most enjoyable seems to be when the motley bunch
Attends the delicious Los Mariachis weekly Club Lunch

What allures the Amateur to spend numerous hours in front of his rig
It's turning that faint, far-off signal into something big

Remembering my first CW contact, my heart pumping so fast
A recollection of my excitement from the lingering distant past

No one can ever explain the mysterious airwaves
It has led many a Ham to become a DX slave 

A Silent Key I shall become someday
My memories will travel with me to that Ham Shack far away

September 26, 2023
Penned for my friends at the
Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club

Silent Keys Remembered

In memory of those who've passed,
Their voices once so clear.
Their absence leaves an empty space,
Yet their essence lingers near.
Through the airwaves, they did speak,
Their messages like art.
Now they're silent, but not forgotten,
Forever in our hearts.

Created by
August 29, 2023

Amateurs’ Noble Code

Ham radio equipment
In the realm of waves, where signals soar,
Amidst the ether's boundless shore,
There dwells a code, a noble creed,
For amateurs to follow, indeed.

Considerate hearts, with empathy aglow,
Never to disrupt, but kindness show,
Ensuring joy in every transmission,
A harmony of waves in coexistence.

Loyal souls, united in their quest,
With bonds of support and friendship blessed,
To clubs and leagues, their hearts extend,
Amateur Radio, a united blend.

Progressive minds, in knowledge steeped,
With stations strong, their prowess peeped,
Their skills honed well, beyond reproach,
Advancing science with a sturdy approach.

Friendly gestures, a gentle pace,
When novices seek a guiding grace,
In counsel and advice, they're rich,
Patiently leading, like a lantern's pitch.

Balanced lives, with wisdom sought,
Amateur passion, never overwrought,
Family, job, and community first,
Radio a joy, but never an all-consuming thirst.

Patriotic fervor, within each heart,
Radio's power, a chance to impart,
Service to country and community strong,
A beacon of hope when things go wrong.

Paul M. Segal's legacy is profound,
A code for amateurs, forever renowned,
Let these principles guide us all,
In the world of waves, where voices call.

By Paul M  Segal, W9EEA, (1928)

Created by
MarkWaldrop KE4WA