Somewhere in time, God created the universe. Somewhere in time, Adam and Eve brought in a curse. God saw that sinful man was doomed from the start. He put into motion, Jesus, saving our sinful heart. One day, time stopped, when God's Son's earthly life, came to an end. When He arose Victorious from the grave, He had conquered all sin. He is waiting to bring God's Love into our hearts. It has always been in God's plan from the very start. All being God's children, we can't imagine how He Loves us so. Eternal life, we will have, if we ask His Son Jesus to save our soul. The Power of His everlasting Love conquers all. In good times and bad, He will never let us fall. Not having to die, to have eternal life here on earth. Eternal life starts In the heart with our divine soul's rebirth. The Love and Joy, that is sent from Heaven above. Can only flow from God’s Throne of Everlasting Love. October 15, 2022 Mark Waldrop