Aren't you glad you have Joy in your heart. Since you met him, He will never depart. You have died with Him in sin. Only to be raised with a new song within. Joy Joy Joy will lift your spirits high every day. Even in difficult times, you see your situation in a much different way. How can this possibly be you might ask? Only God Himself can perform this task. Where do I find this God you are talking about? Finding Him through His Son Jesus, there is no doubt. How can I be sure he will be there for me? You can't unless you bow before Him on bended knee. He came into my heart when I asked him one day. From then on I can count on Him being with me, to stay. Heb 1:9 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy." October 16, 2022 Mark Waldrop