Holy Friday is the Hallowed Day God molded the Key to setting man free. On the Cross, by the shedding of His Blood, God pardons you and me. That was the moment Love came down, touching the earth. God sending his Royal Crown. A humble Man died on the Cross with all of Heaven looking down. The King Of Kings adorn that Crown. Humanity was blinded by sin to what they had done. They had no earthly clue that Truth had won. Love conquered sin that very day when Jesus, God's son, began to pray. Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. I will light their way. God gave man the greatest gift of all. His Only Son, Jesus, who died for all. The unexplainable good that came out of the bad that hallowed day Is the gift of Eternal Life from God to all who believe and pray. MarkWaldrop Penned for Bisquet T. And Ann Sims