Missing Jigsaw puzzle piece with lighting, business concept for completing the finishing puzzle piece.
I’m the missing piece of the puzzle
It’s not complete without me
Being assembled in Heaven only then the beautiful picture, I'll see
A picture of Love and Mercy covering the land
Oh, Blessed Jesus, hold my hand and help me stand
Such beautiful scenes I could never imagine
So much Love with so much Passion
Oh, if you could only see the final picture of the ages
You would understand He is truly the Rock of all the Ages
His light shines on forever and ever
Glistening from that never-ending River
Loves flows from that Crystal River like honey from the come
The sweetness and fragrance call me always more to home
His Majesty and Greatness, I can never explain
Only forever with Him in eternity to reign
March 22, 2023
Mark Waldrop