In the vineyard of life, a sacred bond we find, Where the Divine is the vine, and we are branches entwined. In the words of old, a truth divine unfolds, For in unity we flourish, as destiny enfolds. "I am the vine," He whispers, with tender grace, And we, the branches, seek solace in His embrace. In this mystical union, we discover our worth, For rooted in His love, we bear fruits of rebirth. If we remain in Him, in steadfast devotion, His life flows through us, a celestial potion. With every breath, we draw from His endless supply, Nurtured by His essence, we'll never run dry. Bound by His presence, we blossom and grow, Through seasons of joy or moments of woe. For apart from Him, we're but withered and frail, In His abiding love, our spirits prevail. Through trials and challenges, we find our strength, Sustained by the vine, we go to any length. In unity, we discover purpose and might, Transformed by His spirit, we shine in His light. Let not the world seduce, with its transient charms, For true fulfillment lies in His welcoming arms. In communion with Him, we find our true identity, Nourished by His truth, we thrive with vitality. So let us abide, in this divine connection, Immersed in His love, with unwavering affection. For as the branches, we're called to bear fruit, Manifesting His love, our purpose absolute. In the vineyard of life, intertwined and true, We surrender to Him, as He calls us to do. For in the embrace of the vine, we're forever free, Bearing much fruit, bound for eternity. Joh 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. May 20, 2023 Compiled by MarkWaldrop