In whispers soft, the Spirit speaks, Guiding us through truth's mystique. A beacon bright, a gentle guide, In the depths of uncertainty, it shall reside. John 16:13, a promise divine, Of a Spirit's presence, heavenly and fine. When shadows gather, doubts surround, It is this truth that we have found. The Spirit of truth, a faithful friend, Whose voice echoes without an end. He will not speak of His own accord, But share the words of our precious Lord. In sacred whispers, secrets unfold, Stories untold, yet to be told. He illuminates the path we tread, Guiding us toward what lies ahead. With wisdom vast, His knowledge pure, He brings clarity, sharpness, and sure. The mysteries of life, He will unveil, In His guidance, we shall prevail. Through valleys deep and mountains high, He journeys with us every nigh The Spirit's voice, a soothing balm, Revealing the Father's eternal calm. In times of struggle, when hope seems faint, He whispers solace, free of restraint. With divine insight, He lights our way, Leading us closer to the break of day. Oh, Spirit of truth, our faithful guide, In Your presence, we shall abide. Speak to us, reveal what's concealed, For in Your truth, our hearts are healed. John 16:13, a promise we embrace, That in Your guidance, we find our place. For You are the voice that never deceives, In You, the truth our souls believe. May 25, 2023 Compiled by MarkWaldrop