In the realm where faith and action intertwine, Resides a truth, profound and divine. For in the scripture, we find wisdom's voice, A guiding light to help us make our choice. "If one says, 'Go in peace, keep warm and fed,' Yet fails to act and leaves them in their dread, What good is spoken without deeds to bind, The words we utter, mere echoes left behind?" In words alone, faith's flame may briefly shine, But actions ignite its fire, so sublime. For faith, unaccompanied by righteous deeds, Loses its purpose and no longer leads. So let us not be content with empty phrases, But let our actions shine through life's mazes. Let compassion guide our hands, hearts, and will, To comfort, uplift, and the voids to fill. For faith, alive and vibrant, springs to life, When it finds purpose in relieving strife. Let us be doers, not just hearers alone, Embodying love in deeds, seeds we have sown. In acts of kindness, hope takes solid form, Transforming lives in the midst of the storm. By lending aid to those in desperate need, We fulfill the scriptures, a noble creed. So, as the pages of life continue to turn, Let us remember the lessons we discern. May faith and action intertwine and blend, As we strive to love, to heal, to mend. For faith, when rooted in actions we pursue, Becomes a force that can renew and imbue. With love as our guide and deeds as our art, We embody the faith that warms every heart Jas 2:16 If one of you says to them, "Go in peace; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? Jas 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. May 28, 2023 Created by MarkWaldrop