In the battles of desires, a war within our hearts, Fights and quarrels arise, tearing us apart. What causes this strife, this endless strife we see? From desires unfulfilled, a longing to be free. We crave what we lack, our desires consume, In the pursuit of our wants, we seal our own doom. Coveting what's not ours, we yearn and we strive, Yet we fail to realize, our souls can't truly thrive. We do not seek guidance, we do not humbly ask, For the blessings we need, from the Divine's loving grasp. Instead, we turn to violence, to settle our disputes, In our restless pursuits, we trample love and truth. But when we do seek, with motives pure and right, Our requests may be granted, in God's wondrous light. For selfish desires, that seek only pleasure's gain, Shall find no solace, no relief from their pain. Oh, adulterous souls, entangled with the world's charm, Know that friendship with it, leads to spiritual harm. Choosing the world as ally, we stand against our Lord, Becoming enemies, forsaking His sacred accord. Do you not comprehend, the jealousy of God's heart? He longs for our spirits, to never stray apart, He grants us boundless grace, in abundance and more, But only to the humble, who on bended knee implore. For God opposes the proud, those arrogant in their way, But showers His favor, on the meek who humbly pray. In the verses of James, wisdom's treasure is found, In seeking God's grace, on humble knees we're bound. So let us shed our pride, let us bow down low, And in God's gracious presence, let His love freely flow. For in surrender and submission, we find peace divine, And in the arms of the Almighty, our hearts align. James 4:1-6 June 9, 2023 Compiled by MarkWaldrop