In all things, the divine plan unfolds, As whispered in the verse that Heaven holds. Romans 8:28, a guiding light, Assurance that God's goodness shines so bright. Within these words, a promise resides, Of blessings woven within life's tides. For those who love, with hearts open wide, God's purpose manifests, an endless tide. Though trials may come, and storms may roar, In every challenge, blessings He'll restore. For in the tapestry of life's design, God's hands, the threads of goodness intertwine. In moments of joy, or when tears cascade, In both the sunshine and the darkest shade, God orchestrates, with loving embrace, His purposes, woven with wisdom and grace. In every hurdle, a lesson to glean, In every setback, a higher path unseen. Through every loss, a gain yet untold, In every sorrow, His comfort unfolds. For those called according to His grand plan, In all things, the Father works His mighty hand. Through the highs and lows, the trials we face, God's goodness prevails, His love leaves no trace. So let us hold fast, in faith and adore, The promise of Romans 8:28 evermore. For in His boundless love, we can trust, That God works for good, faithful and just. May our hearts be anchored in this divine truth, Knowing God's hand shapes our days, our youth. In all things, His purpose will unfold, For those who love Him, a story yet untold. Created by MarkWaldrop