In the kingdom of heaven's gate, A lesson taught, so profound and weight, "Not everyone who calls My name, Shall find eternal life's bright flame. For mere words alone can't guarantee, A place in realms of eternity. But the one who follows My Father's will, Shall find a home, serene and still. On that day when judgment dawns, Before the Savior, hearts forlorn, Many will claim their works so grand, Prophesying, miracles at hand. Yet, He shall speak with truth unveiled, Their shallow hearts, the Lord impales, "I never knew you," His words shall say, "Depart from Me, you evildoers, away." Let these words within us dwell, A solemn tale of warning's bell, For deeds alone, though wondrous they seem, Can't replace a heart with love agleam. So, let us seek to know Him deep, To follow His will, our souls to keep, For in doing so, we shall truly find, The heavenly embrace, loving and kind. Matthew 7:21-23 July 31, 2023 Created by MarkWaldrop