In life's grand, unfolding show, It's not the places you come to know, But rather who, by your side, does go, That makes the heart truly aglow. Through streets that twinkle with night's light, Or paths where daybreak shines so bright, The joy's not just in the splendid sight, But in shared laughs, in love's delight. Through forests deep or mountains high, Under the vast, unending sky, It's not just the where or the why, But who's with you, as time goes by. In moments quiet or in bustling sound, Whether lost or in places found, It's the companionship that's profound, In their presence, life's joys abound. So cherish not just the destination, But each step in life's jubilation, For it's the journey, the shared elation, That brings the heart its true gratification. In life, it's clear, as we journey through, The greatest treasure, honest and true, Is not just where, or what we view, But who goes with us, our whole life through. January 22, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop