In the quest for divine grace, we set our sights, On a goal, so pure, in His holy lights. "Not for souls alone, nor for churches' rise, But to please our Lord, in the endless skies. Each week we search our souls, in quiet prayer, Measuring our hearts, in His loving care. Like the musician keen, for the Conductor's nod, We seek His approval, on this earth we trod. For any aim that leads, a step astray, From pleasing God, in every single way, May find us set aside, from His sacred plan, Focusing on Jesus, is where it all began. Paul, with discipline, his body did command, To keep his course true, by God's firm hand. "I bring it to subjection," he earnestly did say, "Lest I myself, from the path, sway. So, let our highest goal, through days and nights, To be well pleasing in His holy sights. Public worth is naught, if privately we fail, To align our desires, with His holy grail. Let us then pursue, with unwavering zeal, This primary goal, with righteous appeal. To be pleasing to Him, in all that we do, Is the servant's aim, faithful and true." 2Co 5:10Â Â For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. March 17, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop