The Crowded Room

Our hearts are filled with worldly things,
With fleeting dreams and golden rings.
We chase the rush, the praise, the prize,
While Jesus waits with longing eyes.

We build our kingdoms, stack them high,
But still feel empty, wonder why.
We leave Him just a corner space,
A fleeting thought, a hurried grace.

Yet He who formed the earth and sky,
Still knocks upon the door nearby.
He asks for more than what’s left over —
He wants a heart that loves, wide open.

So clear the clutter, tear down the wall,
Make room for Christ — give Him it all.
For only when He fills the place,
Will peace move in, and love take space.

No treasure found, no fleeting thing,
Can match the joy that Christ will bring.
So empty out this crowded room,
And let His presence fully bloom.

Mat 6:21  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

For His Glory

“We cram into our hearts so much stuff that there is no room left for Christ.”
A. W. Tozer

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