About Mark Waldrop

I hope you enjoy reading these poems as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thank you for visiting the site. Poems that send darts🎯to touch our hearts❤️

March 7

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Proverbs 12:22
"Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight."


In a world where truth is often twisted and honesty can feel like a rarity, the words of Proverbs 12:22 stand as a clear reminder of God’s standard for His people. Our Heavenly Father values truth deeply because He is the embodiment of truth. When we speak lies, we not only hurt others but also distance ourselves from God, for lying lips are an abomination to Him.

Lying can be tempting, especially when we believe it will spare us from trouble, make us look better, or avoid hurting someone’s feelings. However, every time we choose dishonesty, we stray from God’s path and diminish the trust others place in us. Lies create a tangled web that ensnares our hearts and leads to further deceit.

In contrast, those who act faithfully, living in truth and integrity, are a delight to the Lord. Faithfulness isn’t just about being reliable; it’s about being true in word and deed. When we choose to be truthful, even when it’s hard, we align ourselves with God’s character and become a reflection of His light in the world. Our faithful actions and honest words become a testimony of God’s righteousness, drawing others closer to Him.

Today, let us commit to being people of truth, knowing that our Father delights in our faithfulness. Let us remember that truth-telling builds trust, strengthens relationships, and honors God. In a world where lies are often justified, may we stand firm in the truth, knowing that our Father knows best and delights in our integrity.


Heavenly Father, thank You for being the God of truth. I confess that there have been times when I’ve been tempted to lie or bend the truth. Help me to live a life of integrity, being faithful in all I say and do. Let my words and actions reflect Your truth so that I may be a delight to You and a witness to others. Give me the strength to speak the truth in love, even when it’s difficult. Thank You for guiding me in Your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflection Question:

Are there areas in your life where you’ve been tempted to be less than truthful? Ask God to help you embrace truth and live faithfully in all your interactions today.

March 6

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 40:2-3
"He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD."


Life often feels like a journey filled with unexpected twists, turns, and challenges. There are times when we find ourselves in deep pits of despair, confusion, or fear—places where it seems impossible to find solid ground. Yet, it is in these very moments that our Heavenly Father shows His unmatched power and love.

Psalm 40:2-3 reminds us that God is not distant or indifferent to our struggles. He sees us when we are sinking, trapped in the "miry bog" of life, and He is faithful to pull us out. He doesn’t just leave us on shaky ground; instead, He sets our feet upon a rock, providing stability and security in an otherwise unstable world.

This act of deliverance doesn’t just change our circumstances—it transforms our hearts. God puts a "new song" in our mouths, a song of praise and gratitude that flows from the deep well of His salvation. When we experience His deliverance, our response is one of worship, and this worship becomes a testimony to others. As we praise God for His mighty works, those around us are drawn to His power and goodness. Our lives become a beacon of hope, pointing others to trust in the Lord.

Today, no matter what pit you find yourself in, remember that your Father knows best. He knows how to lift you out of your darkest moments and place you on firm ground. Trust in His ability to rescue you, and let the new song He gives you be a testimony of His grace and power to the world.


Heavenly Father, thank You for being my rescuer and my rock. When I am sinking in the struggles of life, You lift me up and set me on solid ground. I praise You for Your faithfulness and love. Help me to trust You in every situation, knowing that You have


Before the dawn could break the sky,
Your lovingkindness lifted high.
Through shadows deep and trials near,
Your mercy whispered, “I am here.”

A love that stoops to cleanse the dirt,
That binds the wounds and heals the hurt,
No height too great, no depth too far,
Your kindness shines—a guiding star.

When hearts grow cold and faith runs thin,
You pour Your grace and draw us in.
Unfailing love that does not sleep,
A Shepherd’s hand for wandering sheep.

You could have ruled with mighty hand,
But chose instead to understand—
To walk the earth, to taste our tears,
To calm the storms and quiet fears.

O Lord of mercy, rich and pure,
Your lovingkindness will endure.
From age to age, through darkest night,
It leads us home to perfect Light.

“Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You.”
—Psalm 63:3

For His Glory

Beware of Emotions

 Beware of Emotions

Beware of emotions that will cause commotion,
Stirring the waters with reckless devotion.
A spark becomes fire, a word turns to war,
And feelings run wild like waves on the shore.

Anger and envy, they dance hand in hand,
While pride builds a castle too fragile to stand.
Fear feeds the storm, while doubt clouds the sky,
And peace is the treasure that quickly runs dry.

But wisdom stands watch with a calm, steady light,
Guiding the heart through the darkest of night.
So pause, take a breath when emotions run wild,
Let truth be your anchor, your spirit be mild.

For hearts ruled by chaos will stumble and fall
Beware of emotions that answer the call.

For His Honor

No Comparison

As intellectual as I try to be,
There’s no match for what the Spirit shows me.
Books and wisdom, degrees and thought,
Can’t touch the truth the Spirit has brought.

He speaks in whispers, yet shakes my soul,
Revealing what knowledge can’t make whole.
Not facts or theories, but love so divine,
A wisdom eternal, a holy design.

My mind may reason, my pride may swell,
But the Spirit speaks what no mind can tell.
In silence and prayer, His voice breaks through —
Pure revelation, both ancient and new.

So I lay down intellect, bow heart and knee,
For no wisdom compares to what the Spirit shows me.

To His Glory

“As intellectual as I try to be
There is no comparison to how the Holy Spirit speaks to me.”

March 5

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Psalm 32:5
"I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,' and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah.


One of the most profound truths we can hold onto is that our Heavenly Father knows us completely—our strengths, our weaknesses, our triumphs, and our failures. He sees the very depths of our hearts, including the sins we try to hide. Yet, despite knowing everything about us, He still loves us with an everlasting love.

In Psalm 32:5, David reflects on the power of confession and forgiveness. When we come before God, acknowledging our sins without trying to cover them up, we experience the incredible grace and mercy of our Father. He is not shocked by our mistakes, nor is He unwilling to forgive us. In fact, He is eager to cleanse us and restore our relationship with Him.

Confession is not about informing God of something He doesn’t already know. It’s about bringing our hearts into alignment with His truth, allowing His light to penetrate the dark corners of our lives. When we confess, we are reminded of the all-encompassing forgiveness that Jesus secured for us on the cross. This forgiveness is not conditional or partial—it is full and complete.

Today, let us rest in the knowledge that our Father knows best. He knows our sins and shortcomings, and yet He invites us to come to Him with open hearts, ready to receive His forgiveness and love. There is no need to hide or cover up. He waits for us with open arms, ready to forgive and restore.


Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing me completely and loving me. I confess my sins to You, trusting in Your great mercy and forgiveness. Help me to walk in the light of Your truth, free from the burden of hidden sins. Thank You for the cleansing power of Jesus’ sacrifice and for the peace that comes from being in right relationship with You. May I always remember that Your ways are higher than mine, and that Your love for me is unfailing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflection Question:

Is there anything you’ve been trying to hide from God? Take time today to bring it before Him, trusting in His grace and forgiveness.

The Crowded Room

Our hearts are filled with worldly things,
With fleeting dreams and golden rings.
We chase the rush, the praise, the prize,
While Jesus waits with longing eyes.

We build our kingdoms, stack them high,
But still feel empty, wonder why.
We leave Him just a corner space,
A fleeting thought, a hurried grace.

Yet He who formed the earth and sky,
Still knocks upon the door nearby.
He asks for more than what’s left over —
He wants a heart that loves, wide open.

So clear the clutter, tear down the wall,
Make room for Christ — give Him it all.
For only when He fills the place,
Will peace move in, and love take space.

No treasure found, no fleeting thing,
Can match the joy that Christ will bring.
So empty out this crowded room,
And let His presence fully bloom.

Mat 6:21  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

For His Glory

“We cram into our hearts so much stuff that there is no room left for Christ.”
A. W. Tozer

March 4

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Luke 8:45-46
And Jesus said, “Who was it that touched me?” When all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the crowds surround you and are pressing in on you!” But Jesus said, “Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me.”

Devotional Thought:

In this passage from the Gospel of Luke, we see a moment where Jesus, surrounded by a pressing crowd, asks a seemingly simple question: "Who touched me?" To the disciples, especially Peter, the question might have seemed unnecessary or even confusing. After all, many people were pressing against Jesus in that crowd. How could He distinguish one touch among so many?

Yet, Jesus knew. He wasn't merely aware of a physical touch but of a deep, desperate act of faith. A woman, suffering for years, reached out in her pain, believing that just a touch of Jesus' garment would heal her. And it did. Jesus felt the power flow from Him, not because He was unaware of what had happened, but because He wanted to acknowledge the faith that had drawn that power.

This story reminds us that God knows everything about us, even the smallest acts of faith we might think go unnoticed. When we reach out to Him in our need, our Father knows. He discerns our cries amidst the noise of the world, understanding the depth of our heartache, the sincerity of our faith, and the purity of our trust in Him.

Just like the woman in the crowd, we may feel overlooked or insignificant at times. We may think our prayers or actions are too small to matter. But remember this: God knows. He sees. He responds. Our Father knows best, and He is attentive to the cries of His children, no matter how small or hidden they may seem.


- Are there areas in your life where you feel overlooked or unheard?
- How can you remind yourself today that God is attentive to even your smallest acts of faith?
- Take a moment to thank God for His deep knowledge of you and His faithfulness to respond.


Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing me so intimately and for caring about even the smallest details of my life. Help me to reach out to You in faith, trusting that You are always aware and always working for my good. Strengthen my belief that You know best, even when I cannot see or understand. In Jesus' name, Amen.

The Invitation


     The Invitation

All are called, but few reply,
So many tasks before I die.
There’s always time — or so I say,
I’ll think of you another day.

After all, I cannot see
The One who whispers, “Come to me.”
My hands are full with things I see —
My world, my plans, my vanity.

But someday, maybe, when I’m free,
I’ll pause and finally turn to Thee.
Yet time moves fast, the door may close —
Will I respond before life goes?

“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
— Matthew 22:14

For His Glory