Being a Ham, I have always transmitted varied signal reports
Is there so much QRM on my spiritual signal it's challenging to sort
What would be the remedy to increase my signal status
A better receiver, an amplifier or some other apparatus
Being spiritual, I suspect none of the above will be useful
Being close to God would be very crucial
A 5/9 will come with fellowship with other hams
A 20-over will come with a prayer to the Great I Am.
Knowing when the propagation is just right
For me, it comes with the dawn of morning light
Good luck with your distant QSO with God Above
Making contact, you won't believe His incredible Love
January 1, 2023
Mark Waldrop
What kind of antenna should I choose?
If the price is right, not one, would I refuse?
Maybe a Dipole, Beam, or a Magnetic Loop
put some fire in the wire and QSO the whole group.
Location and space would be two choices that would greatly matter.
The more money you can invest, I suppose would be for the better.
Invest as much money in your antenna as in your rig.
Your fellow hams will always give you an S-Signal that is quite big.
I’m grateful no antenna is required,
to connect with Jesus and his love.
There is no cost to bow our head on bended knee,
having a QSO with our savior above.
October 13, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Inspired by Matthew KJ4TN, Jimmy NR4W
I know a Godly Airline Captain who flies all over the sphere.
Moving all types of merchandise from here to there.
This makes our life much easier for each of us.
Obtaining our commodities with much less fuss.
The difference between this Pilot and others I know.
He closely walks with GOD wherever he goes.
His Parents taught him the meaning of the Good Book from the start.
The instructions they gave him, shine a bright light from his heart.
If you see someone doing a service for you today.
Bow your head and say a prayer, to keep them safe along their way.
October 12, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Inspired by
Captain James Kraybill KC9VYG
GOD watches over me no matter where I roam
I drive a Peterbilt named Nellie Bell, she always brings me home.
Hauling cars from here to there, taking them to their destination.
Always feeling HIS Presence, keeping me from frustration
Every time I turn into the drive headed home
I bow my head and thank HIM for riding along
August 25, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Nellie Bell & Bible Fellowship Net GroupNellie Bell in Action
If I'm the captain of where to sail my soul
Should it behoove me to research where I should go
Should I check weather of the path I take
Or should I leave it to happenstance and then it would be too late
An unexpected storm may not drown my soul
But it will surely leave the old ship and the Captain less than whole
For a safe passage no matter where you sail
Consult the Master, to keep you safe from any Gail
August 24, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Inspired by Captain Hank Fallek WA3KK Gulf Breeze, Florida
Bible Fellowship Net Wednesday Morning
Hank’s Plan B at anchorHank WA3KK with dingy tender
Remember Eternity is way way too long to be Wrong.
It’s never wrong to live right. Help somebody today. Let sorrow be ended. Let the friendless be friended. Help someone today. May we be the hands and feet of JESUS when the opportunity present's itself
Remember God loves you and I do too.
Tom closes the Bible Fellowship Net with these words.
Amateur Radio is the greatest Hobby here on earth.
Making friends from all over the world
of untold worth.
Time traveling from your Shack to a distant place.
With your radio and a wire, you find yourself face to face.
Sitting back relaxing in your captain's chair.
Makes for many a good story told over the air.
If it's true friends are worth more than gold.
Then, my friend, you have found more love than your heart can hold.
The BFN is a gathering place.
For those to study GODS WORD and find HIS GRACE
We all study and encourage each other
Bringing us together more like brothers.
We cannot sing, the rules won't permit
I think for the most part our voices would be unfit.
We read the scripture and Praise His Name
Always Praying that HIS WILL be done is our aim
We have fellowship by studying the word
And the Bible tells us we are heard
Hams from all walks of life gather each day
For more information visit our website
January 10, 2022
Mark Waldrop
When you become a cold Silent Key
Do you ever wonder where you will be.
Sometimes it’s too late to send an SOS.
Waiting that late will surely cause much distress.
If you want to have total peace in your life
Look where you may to reduce the strife.
For me, I turned my spiritual radio on.
Listening all night for the signal at dawn
June 26, 2022
Mark Waldrop
I have a friend named Clarence.
He’s such a nice Guy.
He’s been through so much.
Only the Lord knows why.
He’s taught Bible in foreign countries.
He’s lead many people to Christ.
He’s now retired from physical work.
Only God knows what he’s done will last.
I may not physically meet him here on earth.
However Jesus knows of his great worth.
I’m looking forward
To sitting on his sun porch in Heaven.
Praising the Lord and all his Worth.
March 25, 2022
Mark Waldrop