Prayer Changes Things
For Jimmy
It may mean a Gift of Time
A few more days of life here on earth
It may mean a Gift of a New Life
With His Savior JESUS in Heaven with a new birth
Either way
We ask GODS’S Will be Done
For that's the only Way, Jimmy
Will have Won 🙏🙏🙏
March 15, 2022
I know a Man named Jimmy
He’s not very Timid
He Praises the LORD every chance he gets
Always showing no regrets
The Poster Child of GOD He could be
Because of the Many Miracles, He did See
Never giving up.
Putting one foot in front of the other
Always showing love for his brother
His work on Earth is not done
GOD is keeping Him in the race
To Show More of HIS Love and Grace
He always says
GOD Bless Us One And All
Because that is JESUS' Call
GOD is Good All the Time
That’s why He’s been Happy All His Lifetime
When the time comes for Jimmy to go Home
Our Glorious GOD will Welcome Him to HIS WONDROUS THRONE
February 2, 2022
Penned for My Friend
Jimmy J Miller
2400 Espy Lane
Flatwoods KY
There’s a group on Amateur Radio
They call themselves The BFN
They meet to study GOD’S word
And to hear his voice within
They pray for you
They pray for me
Because that’s the way GOD wants it to be
They want to tell of GOD’S SON JESUS
Who He sent here below
Because HE loved us so.
If you hear them on the band
Please feel free to lend a hand
You will be blessed in ways unknown
Because your faith has been shown
January 10, 2022
See The Bible Fellowship Net website for more information
I know a Man who is a Neighbor of All
He Yells Out Hey Neighbor to One and All
Why is He so Friendly I think I Know
He has JESUS in His Heart where ever He goes
He can’t keep IT inside it’s not to be.
He has to share it with You and Me
Call Someone and tell them You Love them Today
Because Tomorrow is not promised Anyway
So the next time you go out and see Someone you don’t know
Make Them Your Neighbor and Jesus will Love You so.
December 24, 2021
Mark Waldrop
Written for My Friend
“Biscuit” T. Sims N5HBB
A Child Of God
Clinton, Mississippi
I have a friend named Kyle
He always has a smile
He’s always grooming his beard
That seems just a little weird
He’s a Man of GOD and loves to spread the word
He’s always willing to make the Gospel heard
A man of many miracles
He doesn’t like to talk about
Surely a Man close to GOD no doubt
He’s preached in prisons
Even in locked cells
There is no boundary where GOD dwells
He serves the LORD by calling the 7240 Net
Having Christian Fellowship and spreading the Word
It’s no task for him. He loves to be heard.
I am glad to be called a Friend by Him
We both have JESUS in our Hearts
That’s what gives us Joy within.
November 7, 2021
In Memory of
Kyle Britt Maxwell
June 24, 1986 - January 1, 2022
I’ve had towers and I’ve had beams
Nothing better than the old dipole it seems
I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor
What’s most important is being a doer
Earthly things will just fade away
Then our body we’ll be just like clay
But our soul will live on thats for sure
Will it be in Heaven. Will it be in Hell
That’s for only you to decide
Where your future will dwell
The only road to Heaven I’m told
Is through GOD’S SON who died on the Cross for you and me
Well I know this is true for I accepted him.
October 19, 2021
Mark Waldrop
I almost lost my life today
There was a terrible flood
It swept me away
I am Alive Today
Because my Granddaddy Loves GOD
And had many people Pray
I know GOD has Great Plans ahead
That’s why he saved me on the shed
August 21, 2021
This is Jerry's K1HV Grandson
I have a friend named Mike
He’s a very cordial Guy
He would do anything to help you
Even if you weren’t a nice guy
He loves to fish
And spends lots of time on the lake
He loves Ham Radio
And any Net he will take
Most of the fish he gives away
He loves helping his neighbor that way
He loves his family so very much
He can hardly wait for their next touch
We pray to GOD that you will be done
And that Mike’s health might return
In His Hands, we leave Him with You
Knowing he is safe from harm there too
From all of your Buddies that love you so
We anxiously await Your return on the Radio
Mark Waldrop KE4WA
For my friend
Michael G Blankenship
Ambassadors for Christ Net 7280 & KJ4TN Remote 2:00 Pm E Monday thru Saturday
Here you’ll find Friendly Hams
All who love the LORD
All following JESUS
Getting closer to their Great Reward
We are dedicated to spreading the word
That the Great Love of JESUS
Is it the Best News we’ve ever heard
If We Praise and Pray for each other
That brings us closer to one another
At the end of the Net
We all feel better
Because we have shared in the LORD together
Hams are a funny lot
They talk all over the world
With a Radio, wire, and a few watts
They help with communication
In all kinds of ways
Hurricane, floods and other emergencies
All with similar urgencies
Their a close knit bunch
Always operating on a hunch
Never charging for their service in any way
Always helping each other every day
It’s a wonderful hobby
Bringing much joy and fulfillment
To all those who choose the commitment
I guess their calling is from above
Because they serve with much love