As I look out over the sea of people, vast and wide, I don't see strangers, just friends by whom I'm tied. Each face a story, each heart a hidden gem, In this grand mosaic, I find a place with them.
In every smile, a spark of kinship glows, In every gaze, a bond of friendship grows. Though paths diverge, in this moment, we are one, Underneath the same sky, beneath the same sun.
No strangers here, just friends I've yet to meet, Each step I take, new souls my own soul greet. In this sea of people, I find love's grand design, Every heart a beacon, every soul divine.
Good morning, echoes through the dawn's first light, A tale of valor, sorrow, and might. In nineteen-oh-seven, a boy was born, To a widow whose heart was torn.
His father, taken by a brother’s hand, Left a young widow in a desolate land. He grew up fast, a child no more, Dropped out in fifth grade to work, to toil, and bore.
Four brothers looked up to his guiding hand, In the logging woods, he made his stand. Married young, and children came, Seven in total, three angels to name.
In forty-four, when the world was ablaze, A month-old baby, he’d have to leave in a haze. From Harlan County to Normandy’s shore, This Kentucky boy faced the horrors of war.
Men fell like rain on that blood-soaked beach, One young soldier’s sanity just out of reach. “No need for a gun,” he cried out loud, As chaos raged and death's shadow shrouded.
Liberation brought tears to his weary eyes, Death camps unveiled humanity’s demise. In a foxhole, with a testament lost, He crawled through the night, in the cold and frost.
Hands bleeding, searching for hope, Found a Bible, bloodied, a way to cope. Twice wounded, he persevered, Shook Patton’s hand, a memory revered.
Post-war missions with Lt. Schaefer’s call, Hunting war criminals, he gave his all. Came home broken, inside and out, Shell shock, treatments, a mind full of doubt.
Twenty-five years, he battled unseen foes, A hero in shadows, the pain only grows. No bridges or highways bear his name, But his sacrifice remains, forever aflame.
A military family, devoted and true, To God and country, their hearts they imbue. When flags are trampled, in anger and pain, Remembering the fallen, tears fall like rain.
As taps play softly, a tribute to the brave, For your dad, your husband, the memories you save. In their honor, with pride, you stand tall, Heroes remembered, one and all.
Created by MarkWaldrop
Taken from a story on Facebook “Journey of a Mountain Woman”
Wait, wait, wait, swing an old baseball saying, Waiting long enough, you'll hit that home run. Life is much the same way, in patience we stay, By waiting long enough, you'll go a long way.
It's really no surprise, in the passage of time, God says, "Wait on me, and you'll truly climb." With faith as your guide, and patience your friend, In waiting, you'll find blessings without end.
Isa 40:31 but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Loneliness mirrors happier times, When laughter rang and hearts would play. Yet, the sands of time took you away, Leaving reflections of yesterday.
Memories dance in the quiet night, Echoes of joy, a distant light. In the stillness, your presence stays, A silent reminder of happier days.
Though you're gone, your spirit remains, In the whispers of the gentle rain. Loneliness bears the sweetest pain, Holding reflections of our shared days.
Indifference, a silent scourge, Creeps through hearts where apathies merge. Pope Francis speaks, his voice a call, To wake the souls of one and all.
"People wash their hands of good, Tolerate evil, as if they should. A disease so ugly, so profound, It spreads its chill without a sound."
Hearts hardened by the cold embrace, Of turning away, avoiding grace. But love, he claims, holds the flame, To melt, to soften, to reclaim.
Let love be the fire, fierce and bright, That turns the dark to dawning light. Where indifference seeks to sear, Let compassion draw us near.
To heal, to help, to hold, to lift, To bridge the chasm, mend the rift. For only love can truly melt The icy shields that hearts have felt.
So heed the call, Pope Francis pleads, To plant in indifference, love's warm seeds. For only through such acts we see, The change to what we're meant to be.
In vessels deep, where crimson rivers flow, Through corridors of flesh, life's pulses show. Yet deeper still, within the spirit's frame, Courses a Love, an everlasting flame.
A Love that weaves through every soul it meets, Invisible yet mighty, it repeats The story of a Lamb, whose blood was shed, On rugged cross, where deepest sorrows bled.
From every land, from every tongue and tribe, This Love extends, no mortal can describe. The blood and Love of Jesus, hand in hand, Unites the hearts of those from every land.
His sacrifice, a bridge 'cross chasm wide, Where sin once reigned, now grace abides inside. A Love so vast, it covers every sin, Inviting all to let its power begin.
Through earthly veins and spiritual alike, His blood and Love our deepest fears strike. In Him, we find our peace, our hope, our stay, The blood and Love of Jesus, our true way.
Invisible threads traverse the sky, Radio waves that whisper, shout, and sigh, From earthbound stations, voices rise, Reaching far beyond our eyes.
Through the ether, swift they soar, Bouncing off the ionosphere, exploring more, No barrier holds their eager quest, In endless space, they find their rest.
Just like our prayers, both loud and meek, In moments of despair or peace we seek, They travel realms unseen, unheard, To touch the heart with every word.
In silence or in fervent plea, Our voices find divinity, Beyond the clouds, beyond the stars, In faith, they break through cosmic bars.
Both wave and prayer, unseen yet strong, In their journey, they belong, A bridge between the here and there, Connecting hearts through space and prayer.
So when you send your message high, In radio waves or prayerful sigh, Know that both are heard, embraced, In realms beyond our earthly pace.
Created by MarkWaldrop KE4WA Bible Fellowship Net