A tale unfolds, a melody sweet,
"Come," they beckon, a journey to greet.
Gifts adorned with love, laid at His feet,
In homage to the King, a joy complete.
Yet a humble drummer, giftless it seems,
No treasure to rival the wise men's dreams.
With a beat, a rhythm, his offering beams,
A heart's cadence echoes in silent streams.
Pa rum pum pum pum, the ox and lamb sway,
To the rhythm of love on that sacred day.
A drum played with devotion, a child at play,
He smiled, for in simple gifts, kings find their way.
December 17, 2023
Created by
The Holy Spirit begins to move, A gentle wind, a sacred groove. Through hearts united, pure and true, God’s love blooms in me and you.
We are His hands, His feet, His light, Guided by faith through day and night. A mission given, a sacred mirth, To share the news of Jesus’ birth.
The world may waver, hearts may stray, Yet love prevails, it lights the way. So here we stand, in joy and worth, Proclaiming Christ, our Savior’s birth.
Christmas comes with a gentle glow, A season of wonders, hearts to know. A time to believe, to hold, to see, The magic of love in you and me.
The twinkle of lights, the carols sung, The joy of gifts for old and young. Yet deeper still, a truth appears, The power of miracles through the years.
A babe in a manger, humble and small, Bringing a hope that transcends us all. A love so pure, it lights the way, Through winter nights and every day.
So let us believe in the season’s charm, In hearts that heal, in hands that warm. For Christmas reminds us of what’s divine: The miracle of love, your heart, and mine.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, When joy fills the air and loved ones draw near. The world seems to sparkle, both far and wide, With twinkling lights and hearts open wide.
The laughter of children, the songs that we sing, The warmth of the fire, the hope that it brings. Snow softly falling, a blanket of white, Transforming the earth in a magical light.
Families gather, their hearts intertwined, Sharing sweet moments that memories bind. Kindness and giving, a season of cheer, It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Carols resound in the crisp winter air, Reminding us all of a love so rare. A child in a manger, a star shining bright, The promise of peace on that holy night.
So cherish these days, let love take its place, In every warm hug, in every kind face. For this is the season to hold what is dear, The most wonderful time of the year.
The Holy Spirit of Christmas came to us long ago, When in a humble manger, divine love began to glow. A baby born in Bethlehem, a gift from Heaven above, Sent by our gracious Father, a token of His love.
For those who seek and welcome Him within, The Holy Spirit of Christmas breaks the chain of sin. It lives within us daily, a light that never fades, Guiding, comforting, and strengthening in life’s trials and charades.
Oh, the Spirit of Christmas, pure and bright, Fills our hearts with hope, joy, and light. It whispers peace in the quiet of night, And shines through faith with heavenly might.
So let us honor the miracle of that sacred morn, When the Savior of the world to us was born. Through every season, let His Spirit remain, Living in our hearts, again and again.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
It brings back Memories of yesteryear
The wonderful times when I was a kid
Mom and Dad kept me very near
Pressing my nose to the window pane, searching for a glimpse of the Red light
Seeing what I thought was the Star of Bethlehem Shining so Bright
I knew Santa’s first stop was Bethlehem
To bring gifts to the Great, I Am
The Love Santa has in His Heart for all the children in the world
Comes from his Maker above with His Love unfurled
Keep the Love of God and the Spirit of Santa close to you today
We bow our heads and thank Him for the Love He sent our way.
December 6, 2022
Mark Waldrop
It’s Sunday, the air is calm and still, The week of Thanksgiving, a time to feel. No complaints on my lips, no requests to impart, Just gratitude flowing straight from my heart.
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of this day, For breath in my lungs, for moments to pray. For the rising sun and the life You bestow, For Your grace that sustains and helps me grow.
No matter the trials, the highs or the lows, Your love is the anchor my spirit knows. So today, I pause, with no need to strive, Just thankful, O God, to simply be alive.