Memorial Day

What does Memorial Day mean to you and Me
It’s a Sacred day to honor all who died to keep us free

It's a day to remember a relative or friend
Who gave his all to the very end

It's Our Freedoms and Liberties we owe to them all
Because they heard that Great Gallant Call

Freedoms that we hold so dear are not so Free
It is Paid for by the Blood shed for you and me

Greater Love hath no man than to give his life for another
That’s the Ultimate Sacrifice, that can be made by a Brother


A Hero’s Legacy

Good morning, echoes through the dawn's first light,
A tale of valor, sorrow, and might.
In nineteen-oh-seven, a boy was born,
To a widow whose heart was torn.

His father, taken by a brother’s hand,
Left a young widow in a desolate land.
He grew up fast, a child no more,
Dropped out in fifth grade to work, to toil, and bore.

Four brothers looked up to his guiding hand,
In the logging woods, he made his stand.
Married young, and children came,
Seven in total, three angels to name.

In forty-four, when the world was ablaze,
A month-old baby, he’d have to leave in a haze.
From Harlan County to Normandy’s shore,
This Kentucky boy faced the horrors of war.

Men fell like rain on that blood-soaked beach,
One young soldier’s sanity just out of reach.
“No need for a gun,” he cried out loud,
As chaos raged and death's shadow shrouded.

Liberation brought tears to his weary eyes,
Death camps unveiled humanity’s demise.
In a foxhole, with a testament lost,
He crawled through the night, in the cold and frost.

Hands bleeding, searching for hope,
Found a Bible, bloodied, a way to cope.
Twice wounded, he persevered,
Shook Patton’s hand, a memory revered.

Post-war missions with Lt. Schaefer’s call,
Hunting war criminals, he gave his all.
Came home broken, inside and out,
Shell shock, treatments, a mind full of doubt.

Twenty-five years, he battled unseen foes,
A hero in shadows, the pain only grows.
No bridges or highways bear his name,
But his sacrifice remains, forever aflame.

A military family, devoted and true,
To God and country, their hearts they imbue.
When flags are trampled, in anger and pain,
Remembering the fallen, tears fall like rain.

As taps play softly, a tribute to the brave,
For your dad, your husband, the memories you save.
In their honor, with pride, you stand tall,
Heroes remembered, one and all.

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Taken from a story on Facebook “Journey of a Mountain Woman”

Santee State Park

In South Carolina, where spring breathes anew,
Nature awakens with a vibrant view.
The mountains call with their timeless grace,
Inviting the soul to a higher place.

Beaches whisper with waves serene,
Golden sands where thoughts convene.
Boats dance upon the river's flow,
Carrying dreams where the soft winds blow.

Lakes offer solace, a peaceful retreat,
Fishing lines cast, the moment complete.
Every park a story to tell,
Where earth and heart gently swell.

Plan your escape, let spirits embark,
On a journey through South Carolina's park.
In the cradle of spring, find your delight,
Where every path brings joy to light.

May 8, 2024
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Mothers, Beloved of God

Moms, you are cherished beyond measure,  
Not for the deeds your hands perform.
You are treasured in His sight,
For simply being the form you adorn.

God knows every layer of your spirit,
More deeply than you could ever view.
In His infinite wisdom and mercy,
He has made His loving verdict—He cherishes you.

Across all the mornings you rise before dawn,
Through nights when peace seems afar.
He sees the strength in your weary eyes,
Illuminated, as you are His star.

So on this day when we honor you,
Let this truth in your heart be still:
You are loved just for being you,
With a love that no depths can fill.

Happy Mother's Day to you,
A blessing from the skies above—
Eternally valued, eternally held,
In the boundless embrace of God's love.

May 7, 2024
Created by

Thank the Lord

Beneath the vast and boundless sky, We tread with hearts both low and high, Unknown the count of sands that drift, Through Time’s unyielding, ceaseless sift.

We raise our eyes with humble grace, To thank the Lord for His embrace—For mercy poured on earthly stage, In blessings penned on life’s wide page.

Each dawn awakes with softest light, Each star that guards the velvet night, Speaks of a love so vast and deep, A shepherd strong, His flock to keep.

So let us walk with quiet might, Through shadowed vale, in sun’s bright light, And hold each precious day we see, As gifts from One who set us free.

In gratitude, our hearts do swell, For stories only time can tell, A tapestry of woven hues, A life embraced, with days we choose.

Thus, hand in hand with faith, we climb, With hope engraved for endless time, Each moment laced with sacred view, Our thanks we give, forever true.

April 11, 2024
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Resurrection Day

To a humble man, what could this day be,
This Resurrection Day, this mystery?
Not just a tale from ancient lore,
But a promise of life, forevermore.

It means the dawn after the longest night,
A second chance to set things right.
The stone rolled away, an empty grave,
A sign of the power He has to save.

For a man like me, it whispers grace,
In every shadowed, forgotten place.
It’s hope when despair seems to win,
A gentle reminder of victory over sin.

It’s love that conquered death and fear,
A call that every humble heart hears.
To rise, though we fall, to forgive, to mend,
To believe that beginnings outshine the end.

This day, it means that we are not alone,
That we’re loved, called, and known.
A promise that our faults and our scars,
Are nothing to the One who hung the stars.

So, what does it mean, this day, to me?
A gift of grace, so vast, so free.
A reminder that no matter how small,
Through His resurrection, He redeems us all.

April 5, 2024
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To the Joy it Brings

St. Patrick’s Day, a sea of green,
A lively spirit, rarely seen.
It’s more than parades on city streets,
More than the rhythm of lively beats.

It’s the warmth of a community’s embrace,
A day where everyone finds their place.
It’s laughter and stories, old and new,
Under skies that seem a brighter blue.

It’s in the shamrock, in the ale,
In every tale of hill and dale.
A reminder of Ireland’s enduring call,
A celebration of spring, loved by all.

To me, it's memories, vivid and bright,
Of friendships forged in soft moonlight.
It’s a promise of renewal, of beginning anew,
A day when the world feels small and true.

So here’s to St. Patrick, to the joy he brings,
To the songs in our hearts that forever sing.
For on this day, no matter where we roam,
We remember the feeling of coming home.

March 17, 2024
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Each Wag, Each Purr Seeking Love

In a world where hearts seek companions, pure and true,
A whisper echoes, a message, a different view.
"Don't lament the absence of a Valentine's embrace,
When countless hearts in shelters seek a loving space."

Adopt the love of your life, a soul waiting for a home,
In their eyes, a universe, through which you can roam.
Each wag, each purr, a sonnet of unconditional love,
A serendipitous gift from the heavens above.

Millions of whispers, in cages and halls,
Pleading eyes, through time's endless calls.
"Take me home," they seem to say,
"Let's start our journey, this Valentine's Day."

For love is not just found in human embrace,
But in every wagging tail, in every furry face.
True love awaits in those longing stares,
In the silent hopes of those who care.

So before you mourn a Valentine not found,
Remember the love that in shelters abounds.
Adopt the love of your life, let your heart expand,
For the love of a pet is the most faithful brand.

In their gratitude, in their joy so rife,
You'll find the true meaning of love and life.
So this Valentine's, let's make a vow,
To adopt the love of our life, in the here and now.

February 14, 2024
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Won’t you Be My Valentine 

Won’t You Be My Valentine 
I’ll be yours if you’ll be Mine

Valentines are very special
They are Friends hard to find

If You Find One, Keep them Close
For they will always mean the Most

They will always Love You no matter what they hear
For between the two of you, God's Love Is So Clear

As time goes by, Our Hearts Grow Larger
We often ponder their departure

We know when Our Valentine has to leave
It’s only for a short time we shouldn’t Grieve

We will eventually be Together Forever
In Our Father’s Arms Happier than Ever

February 12, 2022
Mark Waldrop

A Dream Unfolding

In the shadow of Lincoln, a dream was declared,  
A dream deeply rooted in the American dream.  
"We hold these truths to be self-evident," he shared,  
"That all men are created equal," his enduring theme.

In the sweltering heat of injustice and oppression,  
A dream of freedom arose, refusing to wilt.  
A dream that one day, without concession,  
The sons of former slaves and slave owners could stand, guiltlessly built.

He dreamed that his children,  
In a nation where they'd not be judged by skin,  
Would unite in brotherhood, a new beginning,  
In the symphony of freedom, a harmonious kin.

From every mountainside, let freedom ring,  
From every city and hamlet, the dreamers sing.  
With this faith, we carve a path, a new day to bring,  
Joining hands, black and white together, freedom's bell to ring.

"We will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope,"  
With courage, we stand, with our dream, we cope.  
With this faith, we face the uncertainties of the slope,  
And in unity, we find the strength to grope.

From the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire,  
To the mighty mountains of New York,  
Let freedom ring, our dream declare,  
Until justice rolls down like water, in our tireless work.

January 15, 2023
Created by

Taken from Martin Luther King Jr.’s
 “I Have a Dream” speech