Give Thanks Every Day

In the grace of dawn, a prayer unfurls,
For Christians, gratitude in everyday swirls.
Each sunrise whispers, a hymn to say,
In their hearts, it's Thanksgiving Day.

Blessings counted like grains of sand,
Faith woven strong, a divine strand.
Every moment, a gift to hold,
A symphony of thanks, beautifully bold.

Through trials and triumphs, they find,
Reasons to praise, in heart and mind.
For in their journey, a sacred art,
Grateful souls, from the very start.

Not just a season, but a lifelong song,
In every echo, thanksgiving strong.
For Christian hearts, a constant ray,
Every day, their Thanksgiving Day.

November 19, 2023

You Are Not Forgotten

In battles fought, in scars they bear,
Veterans stand, a solemn prayer.
Freedom's price, they've truly known,
Their courage, a legacy sown.

Through wars and trials, they have stood,
A testament to brotherhood.
Our duty clear, to safeguard the gain,
For their sacrifice, not in vain.

Let gratitude be our heartfelt song,
For veterans brave, courageous and strong.
A pledge to keep the flame alight,
To honor them, both day and night.

November 11, 2023

The Holy City

The Holy City In Charleston, the "Holy City" stands so proud,
Where faith and tolerance blend in the crowd.
With history rich in religious grace,
Over 400 steeples in this sacred place.

A tapestry of beliefs, a vibrant array,
In Charleston, all religions find their way.
From churches old to temples bright and new,
Diverse in faith, yet unity in view.

The skyline's silhouette adorned with care,
A testament to the many prayers we share.
In this melting pot of beliefs, we see,
Charleston's spirit in harmony.

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Fall’s Wonderful Colors & Aromas

Autumn maple tree leaves full frame arrangement with many colorful leaves
In autumn's embrace, the world transforms,
With hues of gold and red, nature performs.
A symphony of colors, a painter's delight,
In fall's gentle embrace, everything feels right.

Leaves flutter down like confetti from the trees,
Carried by the breeze, dancing with ease.
The air is filled with fragrances so sweet,
Crisp apples, pumpkin spice, a cozy retreat.

As daylight wanes, the firelight glows,
In the hearth's warm embrace, stories compose.
Fall's magic whispers in every cool night,
A season of wonder, a pure delight.

So let's savor this moment, let's take it all in,
For fall is a treasure, where memories begin.
With colors and aromas that fill the air,
In this wonderful season, we find joy everywhere.

September 23, 2023
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Summer is my favorite time of year
Good friends swimming holes and my favorite beer

The cool of the shade the chilled water from the spring
Lying under the old oak tree listening to the Blue Birds sing

Fond memories of summer vacations at the seashore
Memories of the invigorating smell of the salty sea air

The sand between my toes as I dodge the sea turtles on the shore
All good things must come to an end my heart burning for more

Looking forward to next summer I must say
Always looking ahead and planning the next day

Dear God thank you for the Seasons of the year
The memory of each one brings a joyous tear

June 21, 2023

Happy Father’s Day to the Great I Am

There is no earthly gift worthy of The Maker of The Universe
He is waiting for the Gift of Love He sent from His Son Above

Everything will slowly decay and fade away 
Only Love will last forever in it I must stay

Happy Father's Day God I have nothing more to say 
Only my actions will show You my feelimgs for you today

June 15, 2023

Mothers Day 

Mothers Are very special and dear
We keep our Mothers so very near

It was in her womb we started our life
Her Love she gave with much sacrifice 

From infancy through eternity 
A Mother’s Love will remain fervently 

A Mother’s love covers all
No matter where we might fall

We thank the LORD for Our Mothers every day 
For their  the ones that taught us to pray

Have you seen Jesus

Have you seen Jesus? He's not in the tomb. 
Look, He might be standing in the room.

So many don't look till they need His Help. 
He doesn't mind. He will always respond to your call for Help. 

If I had only known earlier in life
I could have avoided much less strife. 

Whether now or whether then
He is patiently waiting for all men. 

April 9, 2023

The Man In The Middle

Three crosses on a hill at dawn.
The Man in the middle made a difference that day
When I turned my head hearing Him say

Forgive them, Father; they know not what they do
You gave them your Love, and they crucified you

I turned my head. He heard me say
Father, forgive me today
Hearing Him reply My son; you will be with Me in Paradise as you pray

Luk 23:34  Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

Luk 23:42  Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
Luk 23:43  Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."

April 1, 2023

Check the signs

Crossroad signpost saying this way, that way, the other way concept for lost, confusion or decisions
Check the signs of the trail you're on
Someone before you may have turned them around 
You might find yourself going the long way around

Always take a map with you no matter where you go
With this information the correct direction you will always know

The same can be applied to your spiritual life
God left you a map in the scriptures that will bring less strife

Do not follow the false signs of man
It's only through the scriptures you find you can

Thank you, God, for knowing what's in my future ahead 
Following your scripture, I will have peace on my deathbed 

March 29, 2023
Inspired by Burt Lehman NM5BL