Spring is such a wonderful time of year
A moment to me that is so very dear
As all of God's creation comes alive
Everything He made begins to thrive
The birds sing the wildflowers bloom
Each bud infuses its faint perfume
Bees dance from blossom to blossom
all our woes and cares are forgotten
The fragrance of spring rains and new-mown hay
It brings fond memories of an earlier day
Refreshing my spirit with a new spring in my step
I bow my head, thanking God for His continual help
Zec 10:1 Ask rain from the LORD in the season of the spring rain, from the LORD who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field.
March 25, 2023
While a day to remember the life of a Holy Saint
It now seems to be connected to luck and green paint
If you can't find a four-leaf clover or kiss the Blarney Stone today
Bow your head, Thanking God for all the Luck He Has Sent Your Way
March 17, 2023
Mark Waldrop
Lent is the most Holy of times
Giving up many foods and wines
The solom observance of paying homage to Christ
In some Devine, way offering my small Sacrfice
The ordnance began many ages ago
Out of reverence of our Christ being tempted so
For forty days and forty nights in the wilderness, He stayed
Being tempted by the devil and fasting while he prayed
At the end of this time, He was hungry and ate
He outlasted the devil and overcame evil knowing his fate
I can only bow my heart and say
Thank you God for Your Sacrifice I pray
March 6, 2023
Mark Waldrop
Luk 4:1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
Luk 4:2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.
Holy Friday is the Hallowed Day God molded the Key to setting man free.
On the Cross, by the shedding of His Blood, God pardons you and me.
That was the moment Love came down, touching the earth. God sending his Royal Crown.
A humble Man died on the Cross with all of Heaven looking down. The King Of Kings adorn that Crown.
Humanity was blinded by sin to what they had done.
They had no earthly clue that Truth had won.
Love conquered sin that very day when Jesus, God's son, began to pray.
Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. I will light their way.
God gave man the greatest gift of all.
His Only Son, Jesus, who died for all.
The unexplainable good that came out of the bad that hallowed day
Is the gift of Eternal Life from God
to all who believe and pray.
Penned for
Bisquet T. And Ann Sims
Peter Cotton Tail was much less commercial back in my day
There were no plastic eggs. Just children wanting to play.
All dressing in our Sunday Best
Going to our church being overly blest
The Easter Egg hunt was in the afternoon.
Searching for the eggs was over way too soon
The Easter meal was a sight to behold
Ham with all the trimmings never served cold
Back to church again that night. Worshiping God with all our might
Thanking God in every way that His Son Jesus rose on the third day
January 25, 2023
Mark Waldrop
Crimson Red, the color of the blood flowing from my Savior's side.
His mother, in her broken heart, could feel her son had died.
As she wept, asking God why did this happen today?
God whispered to Mary, He has not gone away.
She did not understand when the Angel first brought the news.
She only knew putting her Faith in God, she would choose.
Her son would not only return again
He could live in the soul of all men.
Mary in faith, taking God at His Word, Truly believing in her heart, all she had heard.
The piece that passeth all understanding calmed her fears.
The news of His resurrection wiped away her anguished tears.
God's plan unfolding, revealing the justification for her Sons birth
Mary bowed her head, thanking God for His Great Worth.
January 5, 2023
Mark Waldrop
2023 is going to be a better year for me.
How do I know? The Bible tells me so.
With God paving the way and Jesus by my side,
There is nothing I can't do. There is no need to hide.
December 29, 2022
Mark Waldrop
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas
The spirit of Love is in the air
Sleigh bells jingle in the snow
Just listen; your heart will begin to glow
All of us kids get so excited; I can hardly wait
The arrival of Santa, oh, I hope he isn’t late
Santa’s Love began in Bethlehem
Many years ago
With the Birth of God’s Son, Heavenly Love began to flow
Love conceived in many ways
Through God's son, we offer Praise
We bow our hearts and proclaim
Thank you, God, in Jesus' name
December 22, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Christmas is for children; That's always been the case.
Oh, how I can remember it made my tiny heart race?
The giving of gifts, the excellent food
How I remember the warm, loving mood
The Love of Jesus shines brighter than the Star of Bethlehem atop my Christmas Tree.
The real meaning of Christmas is the Christ that lives in me.
December 20, 2022
Mark Waldrop
He never died. He never lied.
Spanning the sands of time
He holds me in his arms
The many times I cry
He is Love beyond Love
Hope beyond Hope
I trust Him with my Heart and Soul
I trust his Devine Love that makes me whole
Thank you God Thank you God
For making me that I might worship thee
Thank you God for caring enough
To set me free
December 15, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Inspired by my granddaughter Annie
a song she sung in her Christmas Program
at her school December 15, 2022