Jesus was born to wear a crown of thorns
He gave His life to deliver me from the many storms
Oh, what a Savior he is to me
Accepting Him, He set me free
Thank you, Holy Father, above
For sending your everlasting love
December 15, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Hi Al, we all love you
Praying God gives you the strength to see you through
Whenever we see you on TV, we know your true
Theirs certainly nothing fake about you
Just a note to say we care
Always being in our prayer
The Love for your family shows
Never doubt a minute; God knows
Our Best Wishes this Christmas Season
God continually working through you is the reason
December 14, 2022
Mark Waldrop
We, the People, assemble at Christmas.
Setting our differences aside.
We calm our spirits from the bustling world, removing our haughty Pride.
Peace arriving at this mystical time of year
brings much Love and Joy with great cheer.
Taking a moment to bow our heads, asking for Peace on Earth and Good Will toward men.
Knowing beyond all Hope, this Love will be fulfilled over and over again.
December 12, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Painting by Spike O’Dell W4WGN Brentwood, Tennessee
Seeing a Christmas tree from Heaven
It may bring a tear to your eye
Remembering the Christmases of days gone by
Being decorated with the twinkling stars in the sky
The ornaments of His Everlasting Love
The Star of Bethlem resting above
The presents under the tree, blessings from God to you and me
I bow my head and say thank you, God, for Every Christmas I see
December 10, 2022
Mark Waldrop
I'll be home for Christmas is What I wish this year.
Not being possible for me will
bring a tear.
No matter where I might roam,
With Love in my heart, I will always be at Home.
December 6, 2022
Mark Waldrop
A coal mining Christmas is what I was used too
Remembering the smells of Grandma's Christmas stew
We all got a little Something for Christmas. I thought a lot at the time.
Even though it may have cost no more than a dime
That was the time of year the boys got new overhauls
The girls all giggly over new dresses and the decorations in the halls
I was as happy as I could be
Because of God’s Love and Joy living in me
December 2, 2022
Mark Waldrop
The Christmas Season is fond memories of long ago
The season of Baby Jesus being born and longing for a Christmas Snow
The Christmas play at Church
The warmth of the Season, we search
Pressing my nose to the frosty window pane made my heart race with cheer
Hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa's giant red Sleigh and the eight tiny reindeer
Little sleep before Christmas Morning
Santa quietly arrives with no warning
My sleepy eyes missed him again tonight
He must have arrived late just before daylight
The Joy of giving and caring for those we love
The teaching from our Heavenly Father above
Being grateful for what we have
Is the key to God’s perfect Love
November 27, 2022
Mark Waldrop
“A story for every Christmas”
“As seen through the eyes of Walter, The Little Christmas Donkey”
Joseph and Mary made a trip to Bethlehem to register with the government to pay their taxes.
After a long day in line to register, they headed home. It was getting dark. Both Joseph and Mary were very tired. They started looking for a place to spend the night. Mary was riding on Walter the little donkey, holding to a rope attached to his neck. Joseph was walking ahead leading Walter. They were both so tired. Walter was the only one that didn’t look exhausted.
He was trodding along with his head held high.
He knew something exciting was about to happen. He just didn’t know what.
They saw an Inn ahead. They were filled with excitement. They were sure they had found a place to spend the night.
As they approached the Inn there were a lot of people bustling around.
Joseph knocked on the Inn Keepers Door.
The Inn Keeper opened the door and said in a gruff voice Go Away we’re full. We have no rooms.
Joseph shrugged his shoulders and dropped his head and thought What are we going to do?
The Innkeeper peered around the door and saw Mary sitting on the Donkey. He saw she was with Child. It concerned him.
He called to his wife. Come here. Is there someplace we can put this couple? They can’t continue on in the night.
The Innkeeper said to his wife. What about the stable? We keep it clean. The animals will help keep them warm. Do you have extra sheets they could put on the hay?
The innkeeper lit a candle. His wife found extra sheets. He gave them to Joseph and showed them the way.
They prepared a safe place on the ground for the candle. So it would not catch the straw on fire.
Joseph prepared Mary’s bed first. He bunched up the hay at one end so she could sit up and sleep. He prepared his bed next to her.
Mary said, Joseph, this is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever had.
Walter was In the corner munching on some hay. He was watching everything. He was so excited. He knew something good was about to happen, but didn’t know what.
Mary and Joseph were so tired they went to sleep.
Walter was watching and about to go to sleep. He heard some rustling. Mary said to Joseph. It’s time the Baby is coming.
As any husband would. Joseph ran out of the stable. He knocked loudly on the innkeeper's door. The Innkeeper was awaken from a deep sleep. He was not happy. Joseph yelled. The Baby Is coming !!! The baby is coming!!!
The Innkeeper summoned his wife. The Baby is coming!!! He got another candle and she prepared a bowl of water and towels.
She told them to calm down. I have delivered babies before.
They arrived at the stable. She positioned the towels and bowl of water.
The baby was born. He began to cry. Mary asked. Is He ok! The Innkeeper's wife replied. He is fine. He is a very healthy little Boy. She washed him and wrapped him in a soft cloth.
She said but there is something different.
Mary shouted! What is it! Is he ok!
The Innkeeper's wife said. I’ve never seen anything like this. He is glowing! There was a soft glow coming from him. As she handed the Baby to Mary she saw that Mary’s face was glowing too. Their glow lit up the whole stable.
They looked around. The donkey was on his knees. The cattle and sheep were also kneeling. All facing the glowing Baby Jesus.
An Angel appeared to the Shepard Boys in the Mountains. They were very afraid.
The Angel said Don’t be Afraid! I Bring you Great and Good News. Baby Jesus The Messiah has been born in a stable near here.
Go see for yourself and Worship him.
They were so excited. They left two of their brothers in the field to watch the sheep. They agreed some would return so they could see the baby later.
Walter was so excited he was trembling.
God told Walter, I have a job for you. Go to the edge of town and guide the Shepherd Boys here to the Stable.
Walter was so excited. He ran as fast as he could.
He met the Shepherds at the edge of town. On the way back he ran so fast they could barely keep up with him.
As they came near to the Stable it was all aglow. God had placed a Star above the Stable high in the sky. It could only be seen by those that Loved Jesus and wanted to Worship Him. It would guide people from afar to come and Honor Him.
An Angel told three Wise Men to follow the Star to Baby Jesus. They were wise because God had given them Wisdom.
They found some of the most valuable gifts they could find. They took them to Him to Honor and Worship Him.
After resting for a few days Joseph and Mary returned to their home in Nazareth. To take really good care of their son Baby Jesus
Arlington National Cemetery is the most hallowed Ground I will ever see.
Those who served, many died to preserve freedom for you and me
If I could hear the many memories they would share
Those dreadful memories I could not begin to bear
The only solace I have here on this day
They rest in calm peace, oh Lord I pray.
October 8, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Labor Day is a wonderful time of year
A Great time for a picnic and your favorite cheer.
A time to Honor those who labor every day
A time to stop and rest and take a little time to pray
Kids and adults love the festive day
It's the last Holiday of summer to vacation and play
Grilling out hot dogs, hamburgers, and all the good things
After all the festivities, a good nap it brings
When Tuesday rolls around, another Labor Day we have found
Waiting another year, working ourselves in the ground
August 4, 2022