Easter is a glorious time for me
Realizing My Savior has risen to set me free
The redemption of the Cross I don’t fully understand
I know It saved me to enter the promised land
He came to conquer sin and death
So that we might have eternal rest
Our risen SAVIOR brings us, Hope
Always Giving Us the Power to Cope
Know matter where I go or the circumstances I’m in
I can only bow my head and say thank you JESUS again and again
April 10, 2022
Mark Waldrop
What is Presidents Day
And what does it mean to me
It’s a day we Honor all the Presidents
From Sea to Shining Sea
From the First President to the current one
They deserve our respect every one
No matter Your Politics or what people say
It’s the Highest Office in the USA
They have many Burdens to Bear
Sending our Men and Women into Battle with many prayers
Freedom is worth Fighting For
But it Hurts our Soles to the Core
So the next time You Pray
Pray that GOD will be looking over them
Every Day
Won’t You Be My Valentine
I’ll be yours if you’ll be Mine
Valentines are very special
They are Friends hard to find
If You Find One Keep them Close
You may never find another
For they will always mean the Most
You can confide in them with Your Heart
They will always Love You no matter what they hear
For between the two of you, GODS Love Is So Very Clear
As time goes by
Our Hearts Grow Larger
We often ponder their departure
We know when Our Valentine has to leave
It’s only for a short time
So we shouldn’t Grieve
For we will Soon be Together Forever
In Our Father’s Arms
Happier than Ever
February 12, 2022
Mark Waldrop
Oh the Gifts on Christmas Day
Their so much fun but they will not stay
They will soon be gone
Maybe by the end of the day
GOD sent HIS SON as a Gift to us
That will last forever and we can trust
So don’t put your Faith in the presents of today
Accept His Son Jesus
Throughout Eternity he will Stay
Christmas is a wonderful time of year
It’s full of much laughter and lots of cheer
Nothing better than Eggnog and Fruitcake
I don’t think
The laughter of Little Children on Christmas Morn
That is something to really Adorn
But the real meaning comes from GOD above
The Puzzle he put together to show HIS GREAT LOVE
HE sent HIS SON to be born on Earth
As our Present at Christmas of Great Worth
In the Days Ahead HE will
Show us more LOVE from HIS Birth
As the Puzzle unfolds
To Reveal his plan of HIS LOVE untold
December 20, 2021
Mark Waldrop
My Heart Was Broken by a statement I heard
I Hate Christmas, it’s become absurd
We control our feelings you know
And the Path We Choose to Go
How can we take the Most Wonderful time on Earth
And not See the Love in GOD’S SONS
We Have To Look For Jesus You See The Eternal Love He Can Give Me
Oh the Wonderful Joy HE can bring
Making our hearts start to sing
That’s Why We Should Bow Our Heads Every Day
And Say Thank You GOD For Your Love you Sent Our Way
Painting by Spike O’Dell W4WGN Brentwood Tennessee
I’m just a Bunny in the snow
It’s very cold out you know
I can’t wait for Easter to get here
I know it comes every Year
It’s much warmer then
I can deliver Candy again
The little Kids can’t wait for me
They shout and are full of glee
I’ll come hopping down the Bunny Trail
With lots of Candy in my pail
All the Children dressed in their Easter Best
Will so Surely be Blessed
I don’t know you
And you don’t know me
We have a mutual friend you see
He told me to tell you Help is on the way
He is coming to help if you are Troubled
He will lovingly lift you out of the Rubble
If everything is going good and you love everyone
Look above and count your Blessings
Name them one by one
He will laugh and cry with us
And take care of all our needs
We will follow whoever HE leads
You will know him when he arrives
His love will dwell up in your heart
Our Friend Is God who made you and me
HE will live within us never more to part
September 10, 2021
Mark Waldrop
I painted God a picture of my love today
And gave it to HIM for Fathers Day
I was embarrassed
It did not have as many colors as others I’d seen
He said
That’s the most beautiful picture that’s ever been
It made my heart gleam with joy
He said
You are such a loving little Boy
As time grew by and I grew older
My pictures have more color now
But the answer is always the same
That’s the most beautiful picture that I’ve ever seen
When Joseph and Mary returned home
They were neighbors of ours
My mother said we should see them
And take some flowers
As we came to the house, there was something different
I cannot explain
It smelled like fresh falling rain
They welcomed us inside
So proud of their son
They told of their journey with great excitement
And how it had begun
Mary said God sent us this son for a great purpose on earth
We have no idea of his great worth
As I turned and saw the smile on this baby’s face
I could not contain myself
I ran all over the place
My mother told me to calm down, or we would have to go
She did not want me to disturb this baby, that had such a glow
As we were about to leave,
I turned to look and saw that face
I will never forget The love and grace
Many years have passed
But I can still see Baby Jesus's Face
December 15, 2021
Mark Waldrop