Our past doesn’t have to be our prison,
The chains of yesterday can break.
Mistakes and scars that left their mark
Are lessons learned, not paths to take.
Each dawn brings light, a chance to start,
To leave the shadows cast behind.
We’re free to step beyond regret,
With strength and peace in heart and mind.
The weight of guilt can fall away,
No burden must we carry on.
For grace renews what’s worn and weak,
And faith restores what’s almost gone.
The bars that held us fade in time,
As hope and love begin to grow.
Our past is not our final truth—
We’re more than what we used to know.
So rise with courage, bold and free,
No longer bound by loss or sin.
Our past may shape the lives we lead,
But it’s the future we begin.
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Our Past is Where Our Future Begins