Cap and Gown

Upon Brittany's lap, brave Griffin leaped,  
With licks and love, a promise to keep.
Through doors of learning, side by side,
They ventured forth, with pride as their guide.

A wheelchair's challenge, met with grace,
Griffin's service found its place.
In hallways long and classrooms wide,
He fetched and carried, by her side.

Complex pain, a shadow looming,
In darker days, despair blooming.
Yet, Griffin's warmth drove clouds away,
Made brighter nights, and sunnier days.

At Clarkson's gates, they both did strive,
With occupational goals, they'd thrive.
A degree pursued, not just for one,
But shared in spirit, work well done.

The cap and gown awaited there,
For both their heads, a pair so rare.
The university saw it clear—
To honor Griffin, as peer to peer.

So parchment given, with pride and cheer,
For a loyal dog, who held so dear
A heart so true, and a cause so right—
Griffin, a graduate, shining bright.

May 11, 2024
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Most Beautiful Puppies Ever

In a cradle of whispers, soft and keen,
Lie the most beautiful puppies ever seen.
Fur like whispers of dawn's first light,
Eyes aglow with stars so bright.

Each tiny heart beats a rhythm so pure,
Awaiting a love, tender and sure.
Unforeseen, like a summer rain,
They wait for someone to ease their pain.

In the stillness, their small breaths rise,
Hope glimmers deep within their eyes.
A gentle touch, a caring hand,
To lead them into love's warm land.

May each soul find its destined part,
A forever home, a fresh new start.
For in the dance of life's embrace,
These puppies seek a human's grace.

So pure, so poised in patient wait,
Each heartbeat pens its own sweet fate.
In fields of joy, they'll soon run free,
Loved forever, as they're meant to be.

May 11, 2024
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A Light Shines True

Alone and lonely, two paths distinct,
One in quiet peace, the other, hearts sink.
Alone without loneliness, in solitude's grace,
Lonely in the crowd, lost in empty space.

Loneliness, a mind's harsh plight,
A soul's quiet battle, a never-ending night.
A sense of deep isolation, a painful tide,
In the bustling silence, alone inside.

No sadder thought the mind can bear,
Than solitary echoes in the empty air.
No friend to call, no hand to hold,
In the cold vastness, alone and bold.

But in this void, a light shines true,
Jesus Christ, in hearts He renews.
More than a brother, closer than a friend,
His love unfailing, steadfast to the end.

In every moment, His presence near,
Through every sorrow, beyond each fear.
He fills the void, He mends the breach,
With Him, no soul is out of reach.

Through life, through death, to eternity's side,
In Jesus's love, we ever abide.
No longer alone, His Spirit our guide,
In His eternal friendship, we confidently stride.

May 10, 2024
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K9 Kona

In the twilight of duty's call,
K9 Kona stood proud and tall.
Through streets and shadows, a guardian true,
In the line of duty, courage he drew.

A muzzle of honor, a badge of peace,
He served with heart, his oath did not cease.
But when the time came to rest and retire,
Kona found not the comfort of a warm hearth's fire.

Abandoned to cold shelter walls,
Where echoes of loneliness softly call.
A hero forgotten, in his time of need,
A faithful servant, yet hearts still bleed.

O, let us remember the loyalty so deep,
Of police dogs who their watch did keep.
After years of service, through danger and fear,
They deserve love, not a lonely tear.

Raise your voice for Kona, take a stand,
For every service dog across the land.
May we give them joy, as they retire,
A life of peace is all they require.

May 10, 2024
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I Understand Deliverance

From depths so deep, in shadows cast,  
I lived with ghosts of a troubled past.
Chains that clinked with every stride,
The devil's cuffs, where fear did hide.

Trapped so low, in the darkest well,
No light to see, no hope to tell.
Lost I was, where no eyes could see,
A soul in the pit, yearning to be free.

I raised my gaze, through tears, through pain,
Prayed for mercy, for strength to gain.
"Is there a God?" my heart did plead,
"Show me your love, in this my need."

Then clouds did part, the sun's warm glow
Bathed my face, in its gentle show.
Upon my knees, earth met my plea,
"Oh God, I see you, now I believe."

With Jesus now, who walks my side,
In His steps, I now abide.
His voice, a balm, that sets me free,
Through His deliverance, I'm truly free.

May 9, 2024
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Penned for my friend

Santee State Park

In South Carolina, where spring breathes anew,
Nature awakens with a vibrant view.
The mountains call with their timeless grace,
Inviting the soul to a higher place.

Beaches whisper with waves serene,
Golden sands where thoughts convene.
Boats dance upon the river's flow,
Carrying dreams where the soft winds blow.

Lakes offer solace, a peaceful retreat,
Fishing lines cast, the moment complete.
Every park a story to tell,
Where earth and heart gently swell.

Plan your escape, let spirits embark,
On a journey through South Carolina's park.
In the cradle of spring, find your delight,
Where every path brings joy to light.

May 8, 2024
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Mothers, Beloved of God

Moms, you are cherished beyond measure,  
Not for the deeds your hands perform.
You are treasured in His sight,
For simply being the form you adorn.

God knows every layer of your spirit,
More deeply than you could ever view.
In His infinite wisdom and mercy,
He has made His loving verdict—He cherishes you.

Across all the mornings you rise before dawn,
Through nights when peace seems afar.
He sees the strength in your weary eyes,
Illuminated, as you are His star.

So on this day when we honor you,
Let this truth in your heart be still:
You are loved just for being you,
With a love that no depths can fill.

Happy Mother's Day to you,
A blessing from the skies above—
Eternally valued, eternally held,
In the boundless embrace of God's love.

May 7, 2024
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Baptism on the Road

Along the dusty road they rode, through silence wide and deep,  
The chariot wheels whispered across the sweeping steep.
Water gleamed like a jewel, a promise in the arid land,
The eunuch gazed with yearning, a new life close at hand.

“Look, here is water!” his voice a hopeful flight,
“What stands now to hinder me from the Light?”
Philip nodded, the truth clear in his steady eyes,
No chains of doubt to hold, nor shadowed ties.

The chariot halted, still against the soft, earthen banks,
Together they descended, hearts giving thanks.
Into the cool embrace, beneath the surface laid,
A covenant was sealed, all former debts paid.

Rising anew, water dripping like tears of grace,
The Spirit’s sudden whirlwind, Philip’s gone without a trace.
The eunuch, alone, yet heart alight with joyous song,
Continued forth his journey, in faith ever strong.

May 4, 2024
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Act 8:36  As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?"
Act 8:38  And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
Act 8:39  When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.

God Reigns

In peaks high where eagles dare to fly,  
And valleys deep where shadows lie,
The same God reigns, untouched by height,
A constant force in day and night.

Let every path I walk, high or low,
Reflect the love that from Him flows.
In mountain air or valley's gloom,
His love shines forth, dispels all doom.

No peak too high, no depth too steep,
For His grace to hold, His keep.
In every breath, and step I take,
Let God's love shine, for His own sake.

May 3, 2024
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