Freedom Of Speech 

What is Freedom Of Speech
What does it mean to me

It’s Every Man’s right
To express his Inner Being
And Remain Free

With this GOD Given Freedom
Comes Great Responsibility 

The Two Great Forces of Love and Evil
Cry Out for this Freedom of Speech

The Darts from the Mouth
To the Heart that they may Reach

Spreading the Love Of The Gospel with this Freedom 
Will Set You Free

Spreading Evil and Hate  with this Freedom
Will Bind You and Send You to Hell
You See

GOD Gives us this Freedom of Which Road to Take
For it is only from Our Inner Heart
The True Choices We Make

So What is Freedom of Speech to Me
Being Mindful of what I Say
It May Determine My Eternity 


The FLAG is not a piece of fabric
To be tossed around like fodder 
It’s a proud badge of courage to be carried with great honor

Its proud colors stand for all to see
Red is for valor those who died for you and me

White is for purity and innocence 
like in our children we see

Blue represents vigilance, perseverance and justice persevered  for you and me

So when you salute the flag
Stand very proud and say

I know what you stand for
And I am very proud of you today


When all around you seem to be falling apart
People taking sides is not very smart

When everyone is right and no one wrong
This divides the Country with an untuned song

United we Stand divided we fall
That should be our battle call

All these things shall pass away
Only GOD’S Love will stay

In all the turmoil we see
Keep Praising GOD in the Highest with Joyful Glee

Only GOD knows what the future holds
His Infinite Wisdom is Above our Goals

In the end, when life is Spun
All Earthly things will matter none

Only what’s done for CHRIST will Last
From us, that’s all HE asked

October 12, 2021


I was in the army
Doing the best I could

My Mother prayed for me every day at four
I knew she would

My Sargent asked 
for a volunteer one day

To replace a tattered flag
Without delay

Bullets flying all around
No volunteer made a sound 

I stepped up and said I would
But I would like to wait till four if I could

The Sargent said why such an unusual hour
I said that’s when my Momma prays for me
And gives me God's power

The time came
I shimmied up the pole

Bullets flying all around
With GODS help I made it to the ground

I handed the Sargent the tattered Flag
He saluted and said 
Son you only have GOD to brag

July 19, 2021