Just Be There

When storms arise and skies turn gray,
And words feel empty, lost, astray,
Don’t search for phrases, don’t explain,
Just sit with them and share the pain.

No need for sermons, loud or wise,
No fixing tears, no analyzing cries.
A silent presence speaks the most,
A steady hand, a gentle post.

For in the weight of grief and strife,
It’s love that softly mends a life.
Not perfect answers, bold or grand,
But simply being—hand in hand.


Roscoe’s New Friend

In sorrow deep, he sat alone,
A heart so heavy, a world unknown.
Roscoe, young, with eyes so wide,
Had lost the love that once stood by.

No food, no light, no will to play,
His spirit fading day by day.
The hands that tried could not erase
The emptiness he could not face.

But fate had plans, unseen, untold,
A weary dog, so frail, so old.
Lost and wandering, tired and weak,
Yet carrying hope they both would seek.

A chance encounter, a bond so true,
A love that sparked, a life renewed.
No longer lost, no longer lone,
Together now, a place called home.

They run, they play, they swim with glee,
Two souls once broken, now set free.
Roscoe finds joy in his friend so dear,
A love that wipes away each tear.

Though life may take, it also gives,
In friendship’s warmth, the spirit lives.
For hearts can heal, and love will mend,
When found within a faithful friend.


Carried by Love

On frozen peaks, where cold winds wail,
A mother goat began her frail tale.
New life arrived, so soft, so small,
But frost could claim them, one and all.

From a village near, a shepherdess came,
Her heart ablaze, her soul aflame.
With tender hands and a strength so rare,
She bore the mother through icy air.

Beside her walked a faithful friend,
A loyal dog, whose love would not bend.
With careful steps, it bore the child,
A fragile life through mountains wild.

The photo froze this fleeting grace,
A moment born of time and place.
Compassion shone through frost and storm,
Humanity’s light, so pure, so warm.

For in their care, the world can see,
The boundless depths of empathy.
A goat, her kid, a dog, and she
Together forged a victory.


At Peace

My mind still talks to you,
In whispers soft, in skies so blue.
Each memory, a fleeting flame,
Calling out your cherished name.

My heart still looks for you, my dear,
In every shadow, far and near.
The echo of your gentle laugh,
A melody that splits my path.

But my soul knows you’re at peace,
Your pain and struggles now released.
Among the stars, your spirit soars,
Through endless skies, through open doors.

Though loss has carved this aching space,
I feel your love, your warm embrace.
In dreams, in whispers, you remain,
A bond unbroken by life’s refrain.


The Price of Love

Amy Kathrine Browning – Lime   Tree Shade,1913
Their lives are brief, a fleeting spark,
A lantern’s glow against the dark.
You know the pain, it lies ahead,
The day you’ll grieve, the tears you’ll shed.

Yet still, you open wide your heart,
Accepting joy with every part.
A wagging tail, a gentle paw,
Their boundless love, their only law.

For dogs are honest, pure, and true,
They live for now, for me and you.
No promises of endless days,
Just stolen moments, fleeting praise.

And so, you laugh, you chase, you run,
You share their light beneath the sun.
You love them knowing all too well,
That time will toll its final bell.

But maybe in this fragile bond,
We glimpse a truth to dwell upon:
That love is worth its weight in pain,
A fleeting joy, a sweet refrain.

For every loss, a lesson taught,
To cherish life, the love it brought.
A dog’s short life, a tender cost,
A bittersweetness never lost.

So hold them close, these gifts divine,
Their time is brief, but wholly mine.
No lifelong ties, no grand charade
Just love, unbroken, till they fade.

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Inspired by
Dean Koontz - The Darkest Evening of the Year

Love at the Gate

There’s no love like the love that a dog has for its boy,
Pure and steadfast, a source of endless joy.
By the country gate, in the soft twilight glow,
The dog waits patiently, tail wagging slow.

Falling autumn leaves whisking in the wind,
A golden dance where the day begins to dim.
The air carries whispers of footsteps near,
And the dog’s ears perk with a joy sincere.

Every rustle, every sound, a promise of return,
As the fading sun sets the fields to burn.
His eyes gleam bright, filled with trust so true,
For a boy’s love is the world he knew.

When at last, the boy comes down the lane,
The dog leaps forth, all heart, no restraint.
Together they walk, the bond fully complete,
Two souls united, where love and loyalty meet.

So by the country gate, through seasons and time,
The dog will wait, his devotion sublime.
For there’s no love like the love that a dog has for its boy,
A love eternal, untouched by life’s ploy.

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The Magic of Love, The Power of Miracles

Christmas comes with a gentle glow,
A season of wonders, hearts to know.
A time to believe, to hold, to see,
The magic of love in you and me.

The twinkle of lights, the carols sung,
The joy of gifts for old and young.
Yet deeper still, a truth appears,
The power of miracles through the years.

A babe in a manger, humble and small,
Bringing a hope that transcends us all.
A love so pure, it lights the way,
Through winter nights and every day.

So let us believe in the season’s charm,
In hearts that heal, in hands that warm.
For Christmas reminds us of what’s divine:
The miracle of love, your heart, and mine.

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Dogs Live

Dogs die. But oh, how they live,
Every moment, they have love to give.
They bound through life, so brave and true,
With hearts that shine in all they do.

They guard their homes, their chosen pack,
With courage strong, they never look back.
Their wagging tails, their playful cheer,
Make every day feel bright and clear.

They don’t fear tomorrow, nor dwell on the past,
They savor each moment, knowing it won’t last.
They teach us joy, pure and unrefined,
A lesson in living we often can’t find.

So, though dogs die, they leave us their light,
A love eternal, a beacon so bright.
For in their short lives, they show us the way,
To live fully, to love, every single day.

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Living Example of Humanity

Amid the frozen mountain’s breath,
Where life contends with icy death,
A mother goat, her labor near,
Faced nature’s trial, sharp and sheer.

A shepherdess, so brave and kind,
With strength of heart and steadfast mind,
Bent to the task, no thought of rest,
She bore the mother on her chest.

Beside her, loyal through the storm,
Her faithful dog, a steadfast form,
Took up the baby, frail and new,
And carried life where none else knew.

Through jagged paths and bitter cold,
A tale of courage, fierce and bold,
Unfolded on that mountain steep,
Where love and care refused to sleep.

A frozen world, a beating heart,
Each playing their heroic part,
A girl, a dog, a life to save,
Humanity’s finest—pure and brave.

So let this moment, caught in frame,
Forever speak of love’s great claim,
That even in the harshest lands,
Hope endures by human hands.

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Walk With Me

Walk with me; don’t just walk me,
Feel the world as I feel it to be.
Slow your steps, let time unwind,
There’s wonder here if you’re inclined.

The autumn chill, crisp and rare,
Carries whispers in the air.
Leaves crunch beneath my eager paws,
Each one a tale, each scent a cause.

A squirrel darts, its heart a drum,
The wind hums tunes from where it’s come.
Traces linger, faint yet true—
A cat, a flower, a morning dew.

You tug the leash, your thoughts elsewhere,
Yet the world is calling, rich and fair.
The sun spills gold through branch and bough,
Its fleeting beauty whispers “now.”

Hear the leaves, their rhythm sweet,
Like nature’s music at our feet.
Feel the air, cool, alive,
This is where our souls revive.

For me, this walk is a grand parade,
An endless story freshly made.
Each scent, each sound, a vivid clue,
A tapestry of life in view.

So pause a while, let stillness reign,
Feel the earth and shed the strain.
Walk with me, don’t just walk me,
Discover the magic I long for you to see.

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