Mark Waldrop


My name is Mark. I’m just an old country boy. I give God all the Glory
My heart He filled April 26, 2021, with rhyming joy.

God showed up and gave the gift of rhyming to me
I now share it with all who listen for His Beauty to see

Mark my Words

The Greatest Gift

Why I write, I’ll share with you,
A journey deep, a purpose true,
To bring forth words from soul to page,
To touch the hearts of every age.

I write to share the thoughts inside,
To heal, to soothe, to be a guide,
To bring a smile, a tear of joy,
Or moments sad, yet not destroy.

My poems live within the mind,
Yet fully breathe when they are kind,
To those who read and feel the weight,
Of emotions shared, of love and fate.

For poems are not complete alone,
They thrive when hearts have fully known,
The gift of words, from soul to pen,
A whisper sent from Heaven, then.

The greatest gift a poet sees,
Is knowing words can set minds free,
To stir the heart, inspire flight,
This is why, dear friend, I write.


MarkWaldrop KE4WA

The Grace of His Son


In a realm where shadows stretch and wide rivers flow, Amidst the whispers of ancient winds that secrets know, There lies a single path, narrow, with a gentle glow, Where souls, weary and yearning, to seek and grow.

No other way to the divine, no other route to trod, But through the grace of His Son, the blessed Son of God. Beneath the heavens’ expanse, on verdant earth we lay, Bowing our heads in humility as we fervently pray.

Jesus, the bridge over sin’s tumultuous sea, Offers His hand, His heart, to set the burdened free. Through whispered prayers, and tears silently cried, He guides us, His light unwavering, at our side.

The world spins, relentless, in its orbit’s bind, Yet in His presence, a peace we surely find. With heads bowed low, in reverence profound, In the quiet sanctum where His grace abounds.

For no golden idols, nor earthly kings’ decrees, Can lead us to the peace that Jesus freely gives. Only through His love, so vast, so deep, so wide, Can we cross the chasm to stand by His side.

Thus, walk the path, in faith may you tread, Through the Son to God, just as He said. In every bowed head, every prayer’s gentle sway, Lies the sacred passage, the truth, the way.

April 13, 2024
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October 15

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture Reading:
Exodus 33:1

The LORD said to Moses, “Depart; go up from here, you and the people whom you have brought up out of the land of Egypt, to the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, ‘To your offspring I will give it.’”

In this passage, God instructs Moses to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, fulfilling the covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, God reassures Moses that His promise remains steadfast and will be fulfilled.

This moment highlights the faithfulness and reliability of our Father. He knows the best path for us and has a divine plan that spans generations. Even when the journey seems daunting or unclear, we can trust that God is guiding us towards His promises.

Our Father’s wisdom and plans are perfect, and He calls us to trust Him completely. Just as He led the Israelites out of Egypt and towards the Promised Land, He leads us through our own journeys, assuring us that His promises will be fulfilled. In times of uncertainty, we can find comfort and confidence in knowing that our Father knows best.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unwavering faithfulness and the promises You have made to us. Help us to trust in Your wisdom and guidance, especially when the journey ahead seems uncertain. Strengthen our faith and remind us that You are always leading us towards Your promises. Thank You for being our constant guide and protector. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
In moments of uncertainty, remember that our Father knows best. Trust in His guidance and promises, knowing that He is leading you towards His perfect plan. Let His faithfulness be your assurance as you navigate through life's journey.

October 14

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 46:1-3

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.

In times of uncertainty and trouble, it is comforting to remember that our Father knows best and remains our steadfast refuge and strength. Psalm 46 beautifully captures this truth, reminding us that God is a very present help in times of trouble. No matter how chaotic or fearful our circumstances may be, we can trust in God's unwavering presence and protection.

The imagery of the earth giving way and mountains falling into the sea depicts extreme turmoil. Yet, the psalmist declares that we will not fear, for God is with us. This assurance encourages us to rely on God's wisdom and strength rather than succumbing to fear and anxiety.

Our Father knows our struggles and challenges, and He promises to be with us through it all. His presence brings peace and confidence, knowing that He holds everything in His hands. By leaning on His wisdom and trusting in His plan, we find the courage to face any situation, assured that He is our refuge.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Help us to trust in Your wisdom and remain confident in Your presence, even when circumstances seem overwhelming. May we find peace in knowing that You are with us, guiding and protecting us through every challenge. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
In times like these, remember that God is your refuge and strength. Trust in His wisdom and take comfort in His presence, knowing that He is a very present help in times of trouble. Let this truth bring you peace and courage as you navigate life's challenges.

October 13

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture Reading:
2 Timothy 3:1-5

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

The Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy are a sobering reminder of the challenges we face in difficult times. These verses paint a picture of societal decay and moral decline, describing behaviors and attitudes that are prevalent "in the last days." It is in times like these that we must remember our Father knows best.

Despite the troubling circumstances described, this passage also calls us to a higher standard. We are urged to remain steadfast in our faith, avoiding the corrupt influences of the world. God’s wisdom provides us with the discernment needed to navigate these challenges and remain faithful to His teachings.

Our Father’s knowledge and guidance are crucial in helping us discern right from wrong and live lives that honor Him. In the face of moral decline and societal challenges, trusting in God’s wisdom and adhering to His Word becomes our anchor.

Heavenly Father, in times like these, we seek Your wisdom and guidance. Help us to remain steadfast in our faith and discern right from wrong amidst the challenges we face. Strengthen us to live lives that honor You and reflect Your love and truth. Thank You for being our constant source of wisdom and strength. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
In times like these, remember that our Father knows best. Trust in His wisdom and guidance to navigate through difficulties and remain steadfast in your faith. Let His Word be your anchor and guide, helping you to live a life that honors Him even in challenging times.

My Focus

In the days ahead, when choices loom,
And voices echo in the room,
My focus clear, my heart stays calm—
Not on the donkey or the elephant, but on the Lamb.

For earthly powers rise and fall,
Yet only One can rule them all.
The Lamb who gave His life for me,
Is where my focus needs to be.

The donkey brays, the elephant stands,
But neither holds my heart’s commands.
I follow not their fleeting plans—
My eyes are fixed upon the Lamb.

For in His grace, true hope is found,
In love and mercy, I’m unbound.
No earthly symbol, creed, or brand
Can sway my faith or change my stand.

So as the world debates and roars,
I’ll seek the One who opens doors,
My focus firm, my faith unshaken,
In the Lamb, my heart awakened.

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October 12

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 98:1

A Psalm. Oh sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.

This verse invites us to celebrate the marvelous works of the Lord with a new song. Psalm 98 is a jubilant call to praise God for His mighty deeds, particularly His work of salvation. The psalmist recognizes that God's right hand and holy arm have brought about redemption and victory, worthy of a fresh and heartfelt expression of worship.

Our Father knows best, and His actions are always aligned with His perfect wisdom and love. When we reflect on the marvelous things God has done in our lives—His provision, protection, guidance, and above all, His gift of salvation—we are moved to respond with gratitude and praise. Singing a new song signifies a renewed appreciation and acknowledgment of God's continuous work in our lives.

As we go through our day, let us remember to look for God's marvelous works and acknowledge them. Whether it's in moments of triumph, acts of kindness, or the beauty of creation, God's hand is evident. Trusting in His wisdom and celebrating His deeds deepens our relationship with Him and strengthens our faith.

Heavenly Father, we sing a new song to You, celebrating the marvelous things You have done. Thank You for Your salvation and for the many ways You work in our lives. Help us to see Your hand in every situation and to respond with hearts full of gratitude and praise. May our worship be a testament to Your greatness and Your unwavering love. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Take a moment today to sing a new song to the Lord, reflecting on the marvelous things He has done in your life. Remember, our Father knows best, and His deeds are always for our good and His glory. Let your heart overflow with praise as you acknowledge His wonderful works.

Where Do I Stand

As a Christian, I stand and see,
The tug of politics calls to me.
But where, O Lord, should I align?
With earthly banners or what’s divine?

Should my party’s creed or badge I wear
Outshine the cross I’m meant to bear?
For You have called me, not to fight
For man’s own rule, but Your true light.

The moral compass of the land,
Does not lie in the party’s hand,
But with the hearts that seek Your way—
Men who choose truth over sway.

To change the course of any cause,
We must return to heaven’s laws,
For it’s the heart that makes the stand—
Not the label, not the brand.

So, Lord, let me first serve You,
And let my actions speak as true.
To shift the compass of the crowd,
Start with one heart, humble and bowed.

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Mark Waldrop


Wars are won in the hearts of man,
Not through the destruction of all we can.
Hurt and ruin bring no peace,
Only through God’s love can we find release.

We battle not for land or pride,
But for the healing we hold inside.
Victory blooms where hatred ends,
When we let His peace make us friends.

Oh God, we ask, draw close once more,
Let hearts find peace instead of war.
Teach us to love, to heal, to mend,
For only through You can enemies bend.

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Amidst the storm’s relentless might,
When winds and waves erase the light,
A force much stronger rises high—
The hearts of those who can’t pass by.

With hands extended, shoulders wide,
They lift the broken, stem the tide,
Not for reward, nor fleeting gain,
But to relieve another’s pain.

The hurricane may tear apart,
But can’t suppress the human heart,
For in the wreckage, hope is born,
In every hand that mends the torn.

People helping, side by side,
Guided not by fear, but pride—
The pride of knowing, when they fall,
We rise together, one and all.

In every tear, a silent vow:
We’ll build again, and we’ll stand now,
No storm can take what love can mend—
We heal, we help, until the end.

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October 11

Daily Devotional: Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture Reading:
Malachi 2:2

"If you will not listen, if you will not take it to heart to give honor to my name, says the LORD of hosts, then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings. Indeed, I have already cursed them, because you do not lay it to heart."

In this verse, the prophet Malachi conveys a stern warning from God to the priests of Israel. They had failed to honor God’s name and respect His covenant, leading to severe consequences. This passage reminds us of the importance of honoring God in every aspect of our lives.

Our Father knows best, and He desires that we listen to His instructions and take them to heart. When we honor God's name and live according to His will, we experience His blessings and favor. Conversely, neglecting His commands and disrespecting His holiness can lead to negative repercussions.

God’s warning serves as a reminder that our actions have spiritual significance. Honoring God is not merely a ritual but a heartfelt commitment that should permeate our daily lives. It is through this devotion and respect that we align ourselves with His will and receive His blessings.

Heavenly Father, we come before You with humble hearts, seeking to honor Your name in all that we do. Help us to listen to Your voice and take Your words to heart. May our lives reflect our devotion to You, and may we experience the fullness of Your blessings as we walk in obedience. Forgive us for the times we have fallen short and guide us back to a path that glorifies You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Reflect on areas in your life where you can better honor God's name. Remember, our Father knows best, and by taking His words to heart and living in obedience, we align ourselves with His blessings and favor. Let us strive to honor Him in all we do, knowing that our devotion brings glory to His name and enriches our lives.

Hold On  I’m Coming

Jesus said, “Hold on, I’m coming,
Through the storm, through the night,
When your heart is worn and heavy,
I’ll be there, I am your light.

When the winds of doubt surround you,
And your strength begins to fade,
I am here, just call upon Me,
In My arms, you’ll find your aid.

Hold on, I’m coming swiftly,
Through the valleys, dark and deep,
I will carry you through trials,
In My care, you’ll safely sleep.

When the world feels cold and lonely,
And the path is hard to see,
Know that I am always with you,
Trust in Me, for I am free.

Hold on, I’m coming closer,
With each prayer, I hear your cry,
I will never leave nor fail you,
My love for you will never die.

So hold on, dear child, be steadfast,
Though the road is rough and long,
I am coming, I am with you,
In My grace, you will be strong.”

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