In His Name

If what I do will glorify God,  
Or will it plant me under the sod,
I seek the path that shines His light,
And guides me through the darkest night.

To honor Him in all I dare,
With love and grace, and fervent prayer.
For earthly woes may test my soul,
Yet in His arms, I'm ever whole.

So let my deeds reflect His grace,
And bring a smile to His holy face.
For in His name, I’ll stand or fall,
In faith, I trust and give my all.

May 19, 2024
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Indifference, a silent scourge,
Creeps through hearts where apathies merge.
Pope Francis speaks, his voice a call,
To wake the souls of one and all.

"People wash their hands of good,
Tolerate evil, as if they should.
A disease so ugly, so profound,
It spreads its chill without a sound."

Hearts hardened by the cold embrace,
Of turning away, avoiding grace.
But love, he claims, holds the flame,
To melt, to soften, to reclaim.

Let love be the fire, fierce and bright,
That turns the dark to dawning light.
Where indifference seeks to sear,
Let compassion draw us near.

To heal, to help, to hold, to lift,
To bridge the chasm, mend the rift.
For only love can truly melt
The icy shields that hearts have felt.

So heed the call, Pope Francis pleads,
To plant in indifference, love's warm seeds.
For only through such acts we see,
The change to what we're meant to be.

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His Sacrifice a Bridge

In vessels deep, where crimson rivers flow,
Through corridors of flesh, life's pulses show.
Yet deeper still, within the spirit's frame,
Courses a Love, an everlasting flame.

A Love that weaves through every soul it meets,
Invisible yet mighty, it repeats
The story of a Lamb, whose blood was shed,
On rugged cross, where deepest sorrows bled.

From every land, from every tongue and tribe,
This Love extends, no mortal can describe.
The blood and Love of Jesus, hand in hand,
Unites the hearts of those from every land.

His sacrifice, a bridge 'cross chasm wide,
Where sin once reigned, now grace abides inside.
A Love so vast, it covers every sin,
Inviting all to let its power begin.

Through earthly veins and spiritual alike,
His blood and Love our deepest fears strike.
In Him, we find our peace, our hope, our stay,
The blood and Love of Jesus, our true way.

May 19, 2024
Created by

Propagation Here and Beyond

Invisible threads traverse the sky,  
Radio waves that whisper, shout, and sigh,
From earthbound stations, voices rise,
Reaching far beyond our eyes.

Through the ether, swift they soar,
Bouncing off the ionosphere, exploring more,
No barrier holds their eager quest,
In endless space, they find their rest.

Just like our prayers, both loud and meek,
In moments of despair or peace we seek,
They travel realms unseen, unheard,
To touch the heart with every word.

In silence or in fervent plea,
Our voices find divinity,
Beyond the clouds, beyond the stars,
In faith, they break through cosmic bars.

Both wave and prayer, unseen yet strong,
In their journey, they belong,
A bridge between the here and there,
Connecting hearts through space and prayer.

So when you send your message high,
In radio waves or prayerful sigh,
Know that both are heard, embraced,
In realms beyond our earthly pace.

Created by
MarkWaldrop KE4WA
Bible Fellowship Net

It’s Cold out Tonight

In the chill of the evening, the twilight sighs,  
My bones whisper tales of decline.
This timeworn cabin, under vast, darkened skies,
Feels the embrace of the cold wind's whine.

Another log on the fire, its life to expire,
Smoke dances into the night so sheer.
The last of the wood, laid with solemn desire,
A path forward, at last, seems clear.

Dawn will break with the mountain aglow,
Snow-capped and silent, a pure, white crown.
Here my body shall rest, in the earth below,
While my spirit ascends, where no sorrows are known.

No longer to shiver, nor feel the old's icy hold,
My new abode shines, a vision so bold.
Not of timber or stone, but of light, pure and gold,
In the warmth of the heavens, forever enrolled.

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Prayer Amidst the Pain

Lord, in this trial where I reside,
Amidst the thorns of this trying tide,
I lift my voice, frail though it be,
To ask You use my pain for Thee.

Let not my suffering go in vain,
Harness my hurt, my loss, my strain.
May every pang and every tear,
Serve Your glory, draw others near.

And though I plead for healing’s grace,
For the day this pain You will erase,
I trust Your plan, mysterious and wise,
That through my trials, Your love will rise.

So mold my spirit, refine my heart,
Though through this illness, we seem apart,
May it be Your light that others see,
As this pain carves a better me.

May 13, 2024
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A Light Shines True

Alone and lonely, two paths distinct,
One in quiet peace, the other, hearts sink.
Alone without loneliness, in solitude's grace,
Lonely in the crowd, lost in empty space.

Loneliness, a mind's harsh plight,
A soul's quiet battle, a never-ending night.
A sense of deep isolation, a painful tide,
In the bustling silence, alone inside.

No sadder thought the mind can bear,
Than solitary echoes in the empty air.
No friend to call, no hand to hold,
In the cold vastness, alone and bold.

But in this void, a light shines true,
Jesus Christ, in hearts He renews.
More than a brother, closer than a friend,
His love unfailing, steadfast to the end.

In every moment, His presence near,
Through every sorrow, beyond each fear.
He fills the void, He mends the breach,
With Him, no soul is out of reach.

Through life, through death, to eternity's side,
In Jesus's love, we ever abide.
No longer alone, His Spirit our guide,
In His eternal friendship, we confidently stride.

May 10, 2024
Created by

I Understand Deliverance

From depths so deep, in shadows cast,  
I lived with ghosts of a troubled past.
Chains that clinked with every stride,
The devil's cuffs, where fear did hide.

Trapped so low, in the darkest well,
No light to see, no hope to tell.
Lost I was, where no eyes could see,
A soul in the pit, yearning to be free.

I raised my gaze, through tears, through pain,
Prayed for mercy, for strength to gain.
"Is there a God?" my heart did plead,
"Show me your love, in this my need."

Then clouds did part, the sun's warm glow
Bathed my face, in its gentle show.
Upon my knees, earth met my plea,
"Oh God, I see you, now I believe."

With Jesus now, who walks my side,
In His steps, I now abide.
His voice, a balm, that sets me free,
Through His deliverance, I'm truly free.

May 9, 2024
Created by
Penned for my friend

Mothers, Beloved of God

Moms, you are cherished beyond measure,  
Not for the deeds your hands perform.
You are treasured in His sight,
For simply being the form you adorn.

God knows every layer of your spirit,
More deeply than you could ever view.
In His infinite wisdom and mercy,
He has made His loving verdict—He cherishes you.

Across all the mornings you rise before dawn,
Through nights when peace seems afar.
He sees the strength in your weary eyes,
Illuminated, as you are His star.

So on this day when we honor you,
Let this truth in your heart be still:
You are loved just for being you,
With a love that no depths can fill.

Happy Mother's Day to you,
A blessing from the skies above—
Eternally valued, eternally held,
In the boundless embrace of God's love.

May 7, 2024
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