Some days seem so lonely I don’t want to live anymore I just want to stay in bed And cry more and more The sun hurts my eyes I keep the room as dark as I can I don’t want to see the light I just want some peace and quiet Some people say I’m depressed I just want some rest I can’t go on. This is too much for me I think I’m just ready for eternity Then I heard a still small voice say Just wait for JESUS Is on the Way I thought it was too late. That nobody cared I had given up. I was prepared Then I said JESUS if you are on the way Please Please get here today When JESUS Showed Up It changed my life around. I could not believe the Love I had found Sadness turned into Joy The night turned into Day I was filled with more love than I could imagine I was filled with such great passion I couldn’t keep it to myself I wanted to tell others of GOD’S GREAT GLORY AND WEALTH So if you are downtrodden and Your heart starts to yearn Just wait for JESUS. HE’S around the next turn He will lift you up and give you a New Life One with so much less strife The Joy You have you can’t convey When HE walks with you Every Day