Tame the soul Tame the body

I have often found it challenging to get a human desire under control
No need to name a specific one. There are so many that make me whole

Controlling my desire and being content with what I need
Where do I find this illusive fulfillment and passion I plead

I can't tame my unruly body until I tame my soul
God made me that way to give me contentment and make me whole

God sacfricsed His Son Jesus to rid me of my sin
By accepting His Gift, my soul will become whole again

My soul being at peace. My body will follow suit
God made the soul and body one that continent may be my attribute

Peace within and peace without will bear excellent fruit, no doubt
The fueling of this inner peace comes from God's Scriptures swirling about

In the scripture, I will find the Truth, the Way, and the Light
Seeing these three will put me on the path that is right

March 12, 2023
Mark Waldrop

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