God's love lifted me to new heights I could not imagine or see Knowing not it was there I found it through His Son Jesus who sacrificed His Life for me Feeling His touch His Love inflamed within me. No mind can conceive or tongue can tell, how He has set me Free. I can tell you His Love is worth more than earthly riches and gold None of my earthly possessions can travel with me I am told Then one day I began to look at myself as others saw me I must admit what I saw wasn't very pretty to me It's never too late to change your life To follow a path that will bring Love and less strife Jesus, said I accept you just as you are come follow me for a better life When God gave me His only Son to die on the Cross to free me from sin He knew that kind of love I would never understand I can't understand the depth of His Love I can only accept it through His Son Jesus from His Father Above June 18, 2023 MarkWaldrop