An old country boy My name is Mark. I’m just an ole country boy. My heart He filled April 26, 2021, with rhyming joy God showed up and gave the gift of rhyming to me I now share it with all who listen for His Beauty to see MarkWaldrop Mark’s Email ke7wa@juno.com
Mark graduated from Park City High School in Park City, Kentucky in 1964. He then attended Arizona State University before returning home to join the Family Funeral Business. In 1968, He graduated from The Kentucky School of Mortuary Science in Louisville, Kentucky. With a career spanning over 50 years, Mark served in the Funeral Care Industry until his retirement in 2014. Aside from his professional pursuits, Mark had various interests. He developed a passion for flying and obtained his Private Pilot's License during his senior year of high school. Another area of interest for him was Amateur Radio, and now holds the Extra Class Amateur Radio License KE4WA. He actively participates in several Christian Nets and serves as the Net Control for the 8 Am Bible Fellowship Net on 7188 Mhz every Thursday morning. More information about this can be found at bfn2.net. He is also active on the 7240club.com at 10 Am E & Ambassadors for Christ Net afc7280.com 2 Pm E both on KJ4TN remote. Following his retirement in May 2014, Mark began his journey as a poet in Moncks Corner, South Carolina. He is an active member of the South Carolina Poet Society and credits God for his rhyming abilities. Words started flowing for Mark on April 26, 2021, and have continued ever since. He invites others to read, enjoy, and meditate on his poetry Mark’s Email ke7wa@juno.com