In humble grace, our feet we wash, a gesture meek, For He, our Lord, in kindness spoke, His wisdom deep. "Follow my lead," He gently urged, with love so true, "Serve one another, as I have served you." No servant stands above their lord, in stature high, Nor messenger beyond their source, beneath the sky. A lesson taught in actions pure, not just in word, Echoes of love, in silent halls, profoundly heard. Blessings await, not in the knowing, but in deed, In humble acts of service, love's truest creed. For in the washing of the feet, in water clear, We find the path to grace, to love, to all that's dear. So let us take this sacred lesson to our heart, And in each humble act, His wisdom we impart. For in the giving of ourselves, in service kind, The truest blessing of our souls, we surely find. January 17, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop