If I could only hear his voice again, Through the whisper of the breeze, soft and slim. I'd tell him how much I love him, true and plain, Words flowing like a heartfelt, sacred hymn. Oh, the things I wish I could change, The hands of time, gently rearrange. To seize one more moment, so brief, And in that time, find some relief. I'd listen for the laughter, the joy once shared, For in those sounds, his love was always bared. Each echo, a testament, forever ensnared, In the chambers of my heart, where he is fared. If I could craft from the stars above, A bridge to the past, built with love. I'd cross it with haste, no moment to waste, To speak unspoken words, in a tender embrace. But since time's cruel hand will not bend, I'll cherish his memory, till the very end. And in the quiet, in the still, I'll pretend, That I can hear his voice again, my dear friend. For love, it transcends the boundary of death, In whispered memories, his gentle breath. Though I cannot change what fate has designed, In my heart, his voice forever intertwined. February 3, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop