I may not hold the power to still the storm's wild swirl, Nor command the tides of fate, their fury unfurl. But if within my grasp lies a single soul to save, That act alone lends me the strength I crave. In a world vast and teeming, under the sun's grand dome, I cannot claim the might to bring all wanderers home. Yet if my hands, however small, can pull one from the fray, It's there I'll find my purpose, it's there I'll make my way. For every heart that beats, a universe of hope resides, And in the smallest acts of kindness, endless love abides. So, though I may not turn the tide of all humanity's cries, In saving just one soul, a part of the world thrives. Let this be my vow, my path through night to dawn, Not measured by the many, but by the one I've drawn From shadows into light, from despair to a new morn, In that single act of saving, a new hope is born. March 1, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop