Life Moves Faster at the End

Life is like a roll of toilet paper, so they say,
A humble, unassuming guide through each day.
At first, it seems endless, round and full,
Each sheet a possibility, life's beautiful pull.

In the beginning, unwinding slow and sure,
Each moment savored, each experience pure.
The roll bulky, promising, a bountiful supply,
Unaware of how quickly time can fly.

Midway, a realization, the spindle spins with ease,
The days slipping by like a soft summer breeze.
What once seemed a mountain now a dwindling hill,
As we chase dreams, aspirations, and thrills.

Closer to the end, the pace picks up speed,
Each sheet more precious, as we acknowledge the need.
To make every moment count, to live fully each day,
As the roll nears its end, in its humble, fading sway.

Life, like the roll, moves faster towards its close,
Reminding us to cherish each high and weather each low.
For in the end, it's not how long the roll was, but how we lived,
That measures the life we've had, the love we've given, and the joy we give.

March 18, 2024
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