Dogs are my favorite people, true and dear, With tails that wag in joy, drawing near. They speak in barks, in whines, and gentle sighs, Their words unspoken, seen within their eyes. In fields they roam, in dreams they chase the light, Under the sun, beneath the moon so bright. They love without a hint of guile or pride, Beside us, in their loyalty, they reside. No judgment cast, no grudges ever held, In their embrace, our fears are swiftly quelled. Through storms and calm, they stand by, staunch and bold, Their warmth a refuge from the outside cold. In every dog, a heart of gold does beat, With every wag, they make our lives complete. No better friend, companion, or confidant, In dogs, we find the souls we've always wanted. So here's to dogs, the best of all our friends, Their love, a kind that never, ever ends. They teach us joy, and how to truly live, To them, my heart, my thanks, I gladly give. March 22, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop