In the sun-scorched fields where shadows play, A drama unfolds in the heat of day. A rattlesnake, deadly, with venom cold, Struck a sheep in the face, so bold. The venom surged, a deadly tide, The sheep's face swollen, a painful ride. Yet in this tale, the snake did not see, The resilience in the blood of the sheep, so free. For in the lamb's veins, a secret lay, The antidote, in its blood, at bay. Two days of swelling, yet stronger than venom's aim, The lamb's blood fought back, reclaiming its fame. Unfazed, the sheep continued its day, Eating, drinking, in its own way. Walking the fields, under the sun's glare, Knowing well, its blood was rare. So heed the tale of the lamb and snake, The power of resilience, make no mistake. Do not fear the serpent, nor its venom's bite, Just ensure the Lamb's Blood is your light. March 24, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop