In the dance of time, where moments glide, There lies a truth we often hide. A sorrow deep, where shadows creep, Yet from this soil, a joy can leap. "Don't cry because it is over," the wise ones say, Let not your heart with dusk dismay. The setting sun, though it departs, Leaves its warmth within our hearts. Smile, for the journey graced your days, Through verdant fields and starlit ways. Each laughter shared, every tear shed, Are jewels upon the path we tread. Because it happened, our souls grew wide, With every twist and turn of tide. The tapestry of life, in colors bright, Shines not in sorrow, but in light. So let the memories, like flowers, bloom, In the garden of the heart, dispel the gloom. For every ending marks a new start, Carry the smiles within your heart. In this dance of time, be not afraid, For in each ending, foundations laid. Smile, because it happened, embrace the dance, With every fleeting chance, take your stance. March 26, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop