Upon a path less trod by feet, Where earth and heaven softly meet, I wander far, with soul in quest, To find the place where I’ll be blessed. Through woods deep, under skies so vast, Each step a memory of the past, I tread where few have dared to roam, In search of peace, a heart’s true home. The journey long, the way obscure, Each bend and turn with promise pure, That at its end, so sweet, so fleet, I’ll meet God’s Son, a feat so sweet. No crowded roads with noise and strife, But silent trails, where springs of life Burst forth in song, in light, in leaf, And whisper hope, dispel my grief. In solitude, my spirit hears The call of God, which calms my fears. Each leaf, each stone, a sacred text, On this path less known, my soul reflects. To meet the Son, the Living Word, In quiet places, seldom heard, Where brooks and birds and wind entwine, There, in the heart, His love divine. So on I walk, with faith my guide, To where the earthly and divine collide. The path less traveled by human feet, Leads to Jesus, in communion sweet. A meeting place, no grandeur seeks, But humble hearts, and souls that speak Of journeys long, of seeking rest, In God’s embrace, forever blessed. March 26, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop