Let me be a vessel pure, of Your will, not mine, A bearer of the light that in the dark does shine. God, use me beyond myself, let me be the one, To carry forth Your purpose until all is done. In humble service, let my hands move at Your behest, To lift the fallen, soothe the weary into rest. May every step draw the map of Your grand design, Where every heartbeat echoes with the divine. Not for glory mine, but for the love You spread, To break the bread of life, to share as You have said. Grant me the strength to stand where shadows may run deep, To speak the words of peace to those who in sorrow weep. God, take this fleeting breath, this fleeting beat of heart, Mold it into a prayer, Your masterpiece of art. Use me beyond myself, a conduit of Your grace, Till at the journey's end, I meet You face to face. March 27, 2024 Created by MarkWaldrop