In mercy’s embrace, we stand firm, unfazed,With ministries graced, our spirits unrazed.For though we are fragile, in clay jars we hold,A treasure divine, in His power bold. Pressed on all sides, yet unbroken, we stand,Perplexed, yet our hope in despair does not strand.Persecuted, not forsaken, in trials we’re found,Struck down, yet in us, His life does abound. Carrying within, the death of our Lord,So in our mortal frames, His life is outpoured.Though outwardly fading, inwardly we glow,Renewed day by day, His grace we come to know. Light and momentary, our troubles seem to weigh,Yet they earn for us a glory, that forever will stay.Not on the transient do our eyes set their gaze,But on the eternal, unseen, through the haze. “Keeping Heart in Jesus’ Power,” we proclaim,For in His strength, we overcome every flame.In weakness, His power is made perfect, complete,In jars of clay, His treasure, our victory’s seat. March 29, 3024 Created by MarkWaldrop