Life is Sacred

In shadows deep where troubles see athe and pain does oft recall, Is it better thus to bear the grieve than not have breathed at all? For life, in sacred trust bestowed by hands that sculpt the spheres, Holds more than just the paths we’ve trod—beyond our fleeting fears.

Yes, life is holy, gifted pure, from the Creator’s loving plea, A tapestry, both rich and sure, woven with threads of sanctity. Through valleys low where darkness lies, His light forever proves That life itself, through Jesus’ eyes, is precious and it moves.

For in His love, we find the strength to rise beyond our pain, To bear our crosses, stretch our lengths, in loss there’s much to gain. Though trials come and storms may rage, and tears like rivers flow, His presence marks each sorrowed page, with promises that grow.

So hold this life with reverent hands, and tread its hallowed ground, Embrace the heart’s courageous plans where hope and faith are found. To live with trouble, to endure, with Jesus at our side, Secures an anchor, safe and sure, in whom we can confide.

For life is more than fleeting breath, it’s a journey bold and new, Each moment spent is saved from death, when lived beneath His view. So yes, it’s better far to live, despite the pain we face, For through His Son, God’s love He gives, and holds us in His grace.

April 22, 2024
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