July 18

Daily Devotional: 
Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Scripture: Matthew 22:39
"And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

The command to love our neighbor as ourselves is a profound and transformative principle that our Father, in His infinite wisdom, has given us. This command calls us to extend the same care, respect, and kindness to others that we naturally seek for ourselves. It is a call to empathy, compassion, and selflessness.

Loving our neighbor means recognizing their inherent worth as creations of God, just as we are. It involves going beyond mere tolerance or indifference and actively seeking their well-being. In a world where self-interest often dominates, this divine instruction reminds us of the higher path of love and service.

Thought for Today:
Our Father knows that true fulfillment and peace come from loving others as He loves us. When we put this into practice, we not only bless those around us but also experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from living in alignment with God’s heart. Loving our neighbor as ourselves is a powerful way to reflect God's love and wisdom in our daily lives.

Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching us the importance of loving our neighbors as ourselves. Help us to see others through Your eyes and to extend the same love, kindness, and respect that we desire. Fill our hearts with Your compassion and guide us to act in ways that reflect Your love. May our actions bring glory to You and draw others closer to Your heart. Amen.

Action Step:
Today, identify someone in your life who could use an extra measure of love and kindness. Reach out to them with a kind word, a helping hand, or a simple act of service. Let your actions be a reflection of God's love and wisdom, demonstrating that our Father truly knows best.

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