August 16

Daily Devotional: 
Our Father Knows Best
By Mark Waldrop

Romans 11:36: “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.”
Scripture provided by Dennis Carlson

The essence of our existence and the universe itself is encapsulated in this profound verse from Romans. It reminds us that everything originates from God, is sustained through His power, and ultimately exists for His glory. Our lives, with all their complexities, joys, and challenges, are part of His divine plan.

Understanding that all things are from Him gives us a sense of purpose and belonging. Knowing that everything is through Him provides us with the assurance that we are never alone—His presence and strength uphold us. Recognizing that all things are to Him inspires us to live our lives in a way that honors and glorifies God.

This perspective transforms how we view our daily struggles and triumphs. Every moment becomes an opportunity to acknowledge God's sovereignty and to praise Him for His wisdom and love. Our Father truly knows best, and His perfect plan encompasses every aspect of our lives.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the source, sustainer, and goal of all things. Help me to live each day with the awareness that my life is from You, sustained by You, and meant to glorify You. In times of difficulty and in times of joy, may I always remember Your perfect wisdom and give You the glory. Strengthen my faith and guide my steps according to Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Acknowledge God's Sovereignty: Take time today to reflect on how God has been the source, sustainer, and purpose in your life. Journal about specific instances where you have seen His hand at work.

Live for His Glory: Identify one area of your life where you can more intentionally live for God's glory. Whether in your work, relationships, or personal habits, make a conscious effort to honor Him.

Encourage Others : Share the message of Romans 11:36 with someone who might need a reminder of God's sovereignty and care. Encourage them to see their life through the lens of His divine plan.

Thought for the Day
Everything we are and everything we have is from God, through God, and to God. Embrace this truth and let it shape your perspective and actions, giving glory to Him in all things. Our Father knows best.

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