July 18

Our Father Knows Best
Daily Devotional:
By Mark Waldrop

Lam 3:22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
Lam 3:23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Scripture provided by Reverend Jim Hollis

In times of despair and uncertainty, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lose sight of God's unchanging nature. The verses from Lamentations 3 remind us of a profound truth: God's love is steadfast, and His mercies are inexhaustible. Every morning, we wake up to new opportunities for grace, forgiveness, and renewal.

Jeremiah, in his lament, acknowledges the relentless suffering around him but finds hope in the consistent faithfulness of God. This is a powerful reminder that no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, God’s love and mercy are constant and unending. Our Father knows our struggles and provides us with fresh mercies each day to help us navigate through them.

Reflect on the unceasing love and mercy of God in your life. Consider how He has been faithful to you in both the good times and the bad. Let the knowledge of His never-ending love fill you with hope and encouragement.

Gracious Father, thank You for Your steadfast love that never ceases and Your mercies that are new every morning. In moments of doubt and hardship, help me to remember Your great faithfulness. Strengthen my trust in You, knowing that You are always present and working for my good. Fill my heart with Your peace and hope today. Amen.

Action Step:
Today, take a moment to journal or list out specific instances where you have experienced God’s faithfulness and mercy. Reflect on these moments and offer a prayer of gratitude. Share one of these experiences with someone to encourage them in their faith.

Closing Thought:
Our Father knows best. His love is steadfast, and His mercies are new every morning. Embrace this truth, and let it guide you through each day with confidence in His unwavering faithfulness.

May this devotional bring you comfort and assurance, knowing that God's love and mercies are ever-present, renewing you each day.

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